So, the website is lying about providing people with in-game items and ships for money? If I can't refer the website for information, where do I go? This seems to be a very big misunderstanding that happened from applying common sense, I am sorry for being ignorant. Please clear this topic up
here so other people that look into here for EVE don't end up making the mistake and interpreting the information that is provided on this incredibly relevant game's website.
Now, all that laughing I did while writing this aside, you could've cleared the entire thing up by telling me some actual information. Maybe I'm wrong about the quality of the ships that get provided, maybe they're easily accessable in-game anyway, despite their description of being item-mall specific ships. I didn't bother looking that far, gotta admit my ignorance.
Star Citizen does not have an item mall, it's clear you had no idea what you're talking about when you made your first post and still don't. Don't voice your opinion if you don't have anything to ground it with. He's only trying to correct what you've written so other people don't get the wrong idea about the game, there's a big difference between that and zealous defense.
I would be fine with being wrong, but I'm presented an item mall, if they're going to remove it after release or not is even not all that relevant to me - I don't want to be forced to shop ahead. This is not zealous defense. You're not really providing me with anything to work with here, so I feel like I'm just getting randomly raged at for not blindly hyping the game. This eventually leads to me not taking you all that serious anymore. But to be honest, it kinda annoys me to see this thread being full of shit now, so you got me there at least. I also really don't want to respond anymore to keep this from being worse, especially since I fear for the other guy's blood pressure. If I don't see a detailed rundown on why this isn't an item mall (In the other thread, preferably) I just won't respond anymore.
It seems to me, from how aggressive everyone else is about that topic, that the game is getting a lot of shit from different directions, and you're just adapting to it. This is a wild guess, because I just re-read the entire thing and those responses seem to be heavily uncalled for, especially the insults. Either way, I don't really want anything to do with that, even less so if this is going to be the game's playerbase, haha.