_Bluesummers wrote...
purifier wrote...
_Bluesummers wrote...
This has no effect on PS3 whatsoever.
If you really believe that then you are really good at lying to yourself.
How will it effect PS3?
Tell me? Without being a blind xbox fan.
In order to answer your question, I have to start at the beginning.
So, let me tell you a little story...
Once upon a time in November of 2005, the company Microsoft released the video game console, Xbox 360, starting at $399 for the Xbox 360 Premium which included a 20gb hard drive. The Xbox 360 was unlike anything gamers had seen, with next gen graphics, a powerful processor, and a familiar online service to boot. With some nice launch titles such as Gears of War, Perfect Dark Zero, and a suprisingly addicting Condemned: Criminal Origin, time and the promise of some well established exclusives such as Bioshock, Halo 3, Dead or Alive 4, Halo Wars and the Orange Box, the 360 became a console that hardcore gamers and some casual gamers could happily game on, while not costing a fortune to buy.
One year later, the PS3 and the Wii were released during November of 2006, before the holidays, hoping to garner some sales. The Wii, coming in at $249, offered a new form of gaming that was innovative and caught many people's attention. With promises of a sequel to the widely popular Super Smash Brothers Melee, a free copy of Wii Sports to start you off, and a long awaited Zelda: Twilight Princess, the Wii quickly became a powerful contender for the dominance of the console market.
The PS3(20 gig version) on the other hand, came in the fight at a hefty $499, had only one exclusive title worth playing which was Resistance, but it managed to still attract and keep Sony fanboys happy with the promise of Heavenly Sword, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy 13.
One and a half year later at E3 2008, the long awaited title have almost all been released, with the exception of Halo Wars and Final Fantasy 13. All three contenders were doing ok, with the Wii leading due to some extremely good advertisement campaign, the 360 following due to a still steady following, and the PS3 slowly but surely catching up in sales due to the positive reviews it has gotten for its exclusives and the lure of more great exclusives, the one most looked forward to, Final Fantasy 13. But all of a sudden, at E3, the shit hits the fan, Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy 13 will not be a PS3 exclusive anymore, and while 360 owners jump with glee at not needing to shell out the money to buy a PS3, many PS3 owners silently curse Sony for putting them under a veil that hid them from horrible lie of exclusiveness.
That's why it's gonna hurt the PS3, because now how can you say that any highly anticipated PS3 title won't become just like FF13 and become multiplatform?