purifier wrote...
Shinig@mi666 wrote...
shit i only bought the ps3 for this game and now.... to hell with x360 i'm not gonna buy that piece of shit console :evil: :evil: :evil:
I don't understand why we have to call consoles shit. Both the X360 and PS3 are nearly identical in power, and they are stronger than probably most people's computers. If you're referencing to the heating issues and the red ring, then yea, it's worse.
That, and you can still get the game on the PS3 so there's no reason to be upset.
I'm a 360 owner, and I hate how PS3 owners keep degrading the 360 on it's abilities. I agree, both consoles are similar in power, the only difference pretty much being the blu-ray capabilities of the PS3(hell, the graphics card on the 360 is better).
Personally, I know the PS3 is better in terms of system. But the 360 wins my vote because the HUGE game selection, and its upcoming RPG's.
Say that as it may, I'm going to buy the PS3 anyways. xD
Back on the topic of FF, Final Fantasy 13 will probably be a double disc on the 360, leaving the PS3 version superior(c'mon, online so I hear? :))