Game Synopsis:
Fortune Arterial's story revolves around the male protagonist Kohei Hasekura, who transfers into a prestigious public school in the style of an English six-year school encompassing junior-high and high school students. The school, named Shuchikan Academy, is on an island named Tamatsu Island off-shore from mainland Japan, and the only way to get there is by boat. Soon after transferring, he discovers that one of the student in the class next door to his, Erika Sendo, is in fact a type of vampire.
i have a thing for shinigami and vampire eroge. :P
nice upload, reps when the ability to do so again.
[size=10]ahh! the girls look so cute and beautiful! >< [/h]
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS GAME FOREVER!!!! but i'm definitely waiting for the english subbs... for those people who wanna play these game, this game is FUCKION amazing