RememberMyName. wrote...
well im sry 2 say this bt im absolutly hate HoN^^
I'm playing for 6 years dota atm and i think ice frog did the biggest shit ever 2 realise something like that. its just a mere copie in my opinion.
Icefrog wasn't the creator of DotA. Eul was the original mapmaker and then Guinsoo modded it into the Allstars version. Icefrog took over for guinsoo a few years ago and thats what we have today. *Notice the in-game items like Eul's scepter and Guinsoo's?* You could even go as far back as saying Eul copied the map off of a Starcraft map called Aeons of Strife.
As for HoN, whats wrong with it being a copy? Its basically the same game we know and love just a hell of a lot better. Voice chat, way better graphics, better sound, auto-update, a ton of low-ping servers, better replays, better chat interface, able to mod your interface, and a stat counter - whats not to love? I honestly think if you played a few games on it you would fall in love with it.
Take a look at some of these pro games on honcast and I'm sure it'll sway your mind
He uses a modded interface to cast with so its slightly different than what people normally play with.
What your showing is just the typical stubborn behavior that most people have and their inability to conform to new things. I'm not saying this line to try to convince you to play HoN but to point out that you are probably the same way with other things in your life and that you should try to be open to new things once in a while.