Masterwolf wrote...
kickerboy555 wrote...
currently on chapter 8 and need money like aorund 120k to get to the next chapter,any help pls?? >.<
Well the best tip I can give for money making is to make sure you have a tools level of at least 66 and then farm wood from Yudoria. Turn the wood into plywood and the then make barrel piles. Sell those for good profit.
Also make sure you sell treasure items at the Church.
That pretty much only applies to your first play through. Once you get to NG+, and chapter 3 and on, you can buy salves from the church (I think you might have to do Hannah's quest). If you put everything into prices in your shop , you can make a large profit. Salves cost 300 to buy, but with my current shop set-up (399% prices), I can sell them for 957 each. If I max out the number of clerks, I can sell a full stock (8 types of salves, 105 stock of each) of all the salves in around 15-21 days for around 800k.