Noel wrote...
Mr.TifaLockhart wrote...
i just played with hokutocorpse and i fucking suck.i went 2/11. SHIT.
And I beat him liek, 600-0.
Anyway, Some very simple and powerful characters you can use are Sentinel and Hulk.
Wolverine is also another good character with high damage output with a little bit of execution.
Ryu is also another very easy to use character with some good damage combos in the corner or near it.
If you really want to invest time and learn the game and actually be decent at it, here's a good site.
The guide around I think. Check out the videos and read shit.
I'll shoryuken you. HARD. Jk jk.
@Tifa: Don't worry. Gave me good practice on what to do. And thats push block more. Whenever you wanna play I'll jump on and spar with you. And Shoryuken is good. Let me see if the threads I read are up....
This one is on which characters build the best meter.
This is to see the thought process of people when they make their teams.