Tsurayu wrote...
Or maybe a time where they couldn't get away mass marketing gimmicky shit for $50 and call it a game. It feels like our sensibility is dropping dramatically.
Sensibility? With video games? What a joke.
Tsurayu wrote...
I can't help but feel like we would never have allowed Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony to get away with some of the stuff that Nintendo has gotten away with in the last few years.
What are you talking about?! Of course "we" would have let Microsoft and Sony get away with it!
Tsurayu wrote...
I don't care if they are a business and are only venturing for money. I'm not an employee of Nintendo. I'm not forced into thinking of this in a business or even a rational sense. I don't like what they are doing, but that is just my opinion.
And you don't have to buy anything Nintendo makes so ...