Kind of Important wrote...
This topic pops up all the time. Who gives a damn which you prefer. I myself use both, happen to prefer consoles.
As long as you have a use for one or the either, then fuck everyone else.
GameON wrote...
Im sorry but, QQ more Tsurayu.
PC "elitists" are much more tolerable and reasonable to listen too. Why?
Because they know what they're fucking talking about. Console fanboys will often go on about something they have no idea about. It's like trying to reason to a 10 year old child. Oh wait that is what the majority of the console base is like.
That's pretty much the problem right there. How does being a "PC Elitist" make you know what you're talking about? I'm tired of the same people freaking the fuck out over how consoles are ruining PC gaming, etc.
It's true, I know a LOT of PC gamers who don't know what the hell they're talking about, my best friend being one of them. Perhaps if you know something about computers, maybe you're smarter than the average console gamer, but you're also a lot smarter than the average PC gamer. I think consoles have a slightly lower average because they're much easier to pick up. Hell, I used to be exclusively a console gamer, but I never had anything against PC games.