PembrokeWelshCorgi wrote...
I hate to be honest about this subject, but I absolutely hate the newer artwork for the last three (this includes 5th) generations. The artwork, starting with 3rd Generation, has gotten progressively worse. The new game features are great and get better with each new game, but the new pokemon look like the were designed by middle school students. At least the legends look interesting.
That's why I'm done with pokemon.
Answer to this statement.
Seriously, go back and look at the first 2 generations and you'll notice a lot of the old ones were just as retarded if not moreso. I use to think Like you as well but I went back and saw the old ones again and realized how retarded they were. This comic I found neatly fits what I'm saying and what we are experiencing.
Oh yeah, new enemies group is Team Plasma and their grunts look like knights. They got lances. And wow they added the darkest character so far in the pokemon universe. Aloe is just so damn black but paired with bluish green hair makes her look a bit weird.