Yama-kun wrote...
mochure wrote...
I need some friends for my friend safari. Here is my code if you wish to list me.
You better add me as well
Friend Code: 0361-7166-6061
luinthoron wrote...
Added. 2707-3013-4749
mochure wrote...
I need some friends for my friend safari. Here is my code if you wish to list me.
liger0 wrote...
So I need to get more friend safaris. My friend code is
1590-5271-9325. Put your friend code in your reply.
Wickedluck wrote...
I'll add you all as soon as I can get to a wifi hotspot, which should be Saturday at the latest. I have shitty dial-up at home. Let me know if you add me.
Added you
My nickname is Halloween
Friend code is:2981-6581-1419
also I have pokemon X but want a mega aggron but for that I need the Aggronite wich is in Y so is anyone intrestad in trading for a Tyranitarite