I just thought I'd mention something about the logo since I can't unsee it. It looks like a girafee getting a blowjob from a woman. I'm talking about the "6"
saw the trailer, and new they bring a few characters together. but i didn't see Ada Wong in this trailer, can't have Leon without Ada. also have a feeling this might be the last resident evil, which would OK, don't want the franchise to turn into like FF series, being predictable and redundant.
YEah seeing from the trailer, Leon's gameplay looks like it will involve more sneaking/going into main HQs, while Chris's more of action and fighting at the front lines.
At least it's not going to be full-action again, I'm hoping for a large part of the suspense horror again like the RE5 DLC Lost in Nightmare.
The trailer was awesome, though I guess the game will definitely NOT be good ol' survival horror, by the looks of it it seemed like more Dead Space style.
I think I'll stick with silent hil downpour. RE is getting a little old, RE isn't as good as it used to be and nor can they change the fact that "Zombies" are starting to go out of style
Just looking at the trailer makes me wonder if this will be the last chapter. Just looking at it, the world is doomed.
I'm for a fact gonna get this game. I was always a RE fan. I still remember back in the days of PSone RE scared me as a little boy.
The thing that caught my attention about this article is that a special edition will cost about 1,300USD. I'm fucking shocked to see that. What makes this so special is because it will come with a replica of Leon's leather jacket.
Still, it's there if anyone still wants it. That aside, a roughly 30 hour game, interesting. Gotta admit that the game has me interested, even though I didn't like RE5 that much.
I'm disappointed too. I'm currently watching gameplay footage on Youtube to have a better idea of how the game works, and honestly, it doesn't look good at all. I guess only hardcore fans of the series and those addicted to action shooters will be pleased by it.