Resonance of Fate

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Tsujoi Social Media Manager

In the distant future, Earth has undergone a drastic change in the environment. For reasons unknown, poisonous layers of gasses permeated the land, which resulted in near extinction for mankind due to humanity's inability to adapt to the new changes. The remaining humans built a gigantic device called Basel, an environment purifier buried deep in the ground, which cleanses the air in the surrounding land and hopefully the rest of Earth as well. Civilization began to reform around Basel itself, building a city around the tower. The upper classes live in luxurious apartments at the top of Basel while the lower classes reside among the many districts built around the base and stem of the tower. For countless years, all is well, until one day the purifier inside Basel begins to malfunction.

Comes out Tuesday, anyone else getting this?
sounds interesting, although a description alone isnt enough to convince me t buy a game, any other info? the title sounds rpg-ish
Well Tri-ace is behind it. That's already a positive point.
they also did eternal sonata i think, that game was pretty fun
I'm still on the fence about this game. It has a few elements that I've always wanted to see in traditional RPGs, however I need to see the final version before I decide to buy it.
I played the japanese demo, if you cant read or understand what the buttons are, you're gonna have a hard time during the battles.

It has a weird real time battle system where you pick a direction on where you walk in a straight line during this time the enemy can move freely towards any of your party members, when you actually pick a direction and press X you either move towards the enemy and start button mashing X and jumping once shoot the enemy and then land behind him OR you just run towards the direction. The battle system is little bit different from other games. Bosses in this game seem a bit challenging.

Still Im buying this game when i do, i'll give you guys a thorough review :P
Played the demo about a million times. Looking forward to it.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Review for those that are unsure.

Sadly I have yet to get this game, but I plan to. Looks good.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
just arrived today. Starting it now.

Dual Audio for those that care.
Tsujoi wrote...
just arrived today. Starting it now.

Dual Audio for those that care.

i care, woohoo :D
PS3 only? <.<;;
Seems like it.
Quadratic wrote...
PS3 only? <.<;;
Seems like it.

theres a xbox 360 version

XBOX 360 version
Just bought this but I'm gonna play it later since I still have 2 games to finish.
I think i'll try it, even if i wasn't really convinced by the demo... (Well, i didn't understand a single thing, too many moonspeak^^)
But i have to finish FF13 and GoW3 first :D
it looks p cool but I wish level 5 would put out a good new game. white knight chronicles was total ass, but dark cloud 2 is still one of the best rpgs ever made.
so has anyone played this yet? can you give back some feedbacks?
Played leaked copy today on my friend's Xbox360 (All hail piracy)

First things first: GUNS PWN YOUR LAME SWORDS.
How long, oh, HOW LONG did i yearn for JRPG where guns have their appropriate place in weapons chain.

Game is pretty hardcore like all JRPGs where you hafta roam and fight random encounters a lot to gain needed lvl to be able not to die when new boss pops out.

Battle system reminds me of Valkyria Chronicles and it's really good(and finally, something new) and flashy with tons of gunfire and slow-mo, but lack of good tutorial is somewhat dissapointing

Some funny features included, like when your bulletproof vest is broken(scratch damage) everybody is like, "OH MY GOD IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR" all trembling in fear. So hilarious, you gotta see it :)

Geez, sorry for my bad english :)

P.S. Customizable characters is sooooooo cool. And not just colors. I wonder, is there military uniform available?
P.P.S. Zephyr looks like a twin of Rock Howard. :)
P.P.P.S. Nolan North, lol. If you close your eyes during cinematic it's almost like you are playing Uncharted.
butt raping hard.
Yushi wrote...
butt raping hard.


I mean, why can't they make games with difficulty that allows to enjoy the story without all those wasted hours on exp gaining?
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