Resonance of Fate

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ManiacYKT wrote...
Yushi wrote...
butt raping hard.


I mean, why can't they make games with difficulty that allows to enjoy the story without all those wasted hours on exp gaining?

Cause then you would have finished the game a lot quicker thus having to buy another game and wasting more money :3
Well well, i've been playing RoF next to FF13 (which i still didn't finish) and it really is awesome! At first it might look a tad difficult but actually once you've mastered the battle system you can get past a 1st playthrough without any problems... Well i've yet to finish it completely and try the hard mode but fuck it i still have some time ahead of me.
One thing that is cool in this game is the possibility to customize your characters at will. Altough i don't really care how i dress the 2 guys, i like spending time on buying stuff for Reanbell xD (it's friggin expensive too!!!!)... That's just how cute she is~ :

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Just bought this instead of FF13. Tough choice, but I like games that are difficult, so I chose this. Hope I made a good decision.
WhiteLion wrote...
Just bought this instead of FF13. Tough choice, but I like games that are difficult, so I chose this. Hope I made a good decision.

If your talking about difficulty then yeah you made the right choice. This game gets pretty damn challenging, especially some of the boss fights ::Cringes::
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
What ive seen about this game makes me want to buy it....ill check my store next week :)

Anyone finished it already? whats the story game time ?(without grinding)
Well, i reached chapter 8 (I know i'm slow) out of 15+. I didn't miss a side quest since chapter 1 (usually there are 3 side quests per chapter), it took me around 27 hours.

But i believe without doing all the bullcrap, you can reach the end of the game in less than the time mentioned above.
I'm only on chapter 5 but so far the difficulty hasn't been super intense, even without grinding. It's harder than most RPGs certainly, but I wouldn't describe it as "butt-rapingly hard." I've only had to use retries on one boss fight. Does it get a lot harder? I'm all for tough RPGs, so I'm hoping it does.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
So i bought the game and i love the battle system alot.
But i noticed the story isnt very fast paced is it?
Its a typical RPG. The perk of this RPG is the battle system. YOU HAVE TO HAVE SKILL. Unlike FF13 You actually have to play the game properly and try.
Want to get this game, just waiting for the price to come down....don't really wanna pay 99$ for it atm :S
chaofan wrote...
Its a typical RPG. The perk of this RPG is the battle system. YOU HAVE TO HAVE SKILL. Unlike FF13 You actually have to play the game properly and try.

Agreed, everything else so far(story, graphic design, etc) is good, but not amazing. But then again, gameplay is the most important aspect of a game, and some RPG developers sometimes forget that.
I got this a while back, and I agree it is awesome. I've always wanted a true JRPG with guns. :3

I also agree that it is hard, I have had to use retries a couple of times, mainly when fighting bosses or when I make stupid mistakes.

Story wise, I'm in chapter 4 or 5 and I still have noooooo idea what is going on as of back story, but I'm guessing I'm still in early game so it will all be explained in the end.

Oh yeah RoF > FF13 in my opinion :3
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