Thats right fuckers. For you people that don't know (And you should be ashamed to find this news here first...cuz every damn gaming site been seriously promoting it)
If you have a battle.net account you can subcribe to the external beta for SC2 which starts this summer! Summer starts in 3 weeks so thats the earliest that some of you bastard that signed up might get an e-mail and to finally get your ASS CRUSHED by the 1 billion Korean / chinese / Japs that signed up for their olympic sport
Starcraft 2 Beta Sign up!
Alright here's how this work.
First you need to make an account.
Second : You must add a CD key to that account from any Blizzard game. SO YES IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLIZZARD GAME YOU CAN'T SIGN FOR BETA!
Third : Once you sign a game there should be a link called ''Beta Profile Setting''
Fourth: You will download and run a program that analyse your computer setting
Five : You will send that data, then will send you to a page with your page setting to the left and to the right the ''Beta tests i'm interrest in''.
Finally : Click Update Preferences and WAIT FOR A FUCKING e-mail like the 30 million people who signed up!
And if you can'T do it. Well though luck