Skyler998 wrote...
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
KLoWn wrote...
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
Ghost raped by lings from underground. Nuke cancelled.
Ghost goes into cloak-mode, no overlords in the area, the zergling starts to play with a fun little red dot they find on the ground instead.
Queen appears instead and picks off the ghost. Then 10 ultras unburrow from the ground and 4 worm canals appear. The worm canals spew waves of zerglings and banelings out. Ultras and lings have been upgraded and rush straight into the Terran station from the west side.
got squashed by an army barricade of sieged mode tanks backed up by Vikings....Kaboom!
Pssshhh. Tanks take too long to recharge their shock cannon, and the increased speeds of both melee units with the Ultra’s high HP come in and annihilate the so called barricade. As the distraction is on the way, Infesters have secretly dug under the complex and emerge from the ground. They start spewing their toxic liquid onto the marine barracks. The barracks become infested and start creating infested Terrans in a swift manner. Many are made in a short time, and as the infesters entered they take their leave. The IT's cause chaos inside the terran base, destroying important facilities as quickly as possible to cripple the Terran force. They end up huddling togetehr and destroying the center's economy center by wiping out all the SCV's.
(also i said there are no more medics, but there are medic drop ships now. Theya re like dropships and shoot beams at wounded soldiers to heal them.)