I played both series (tekken starting with 2, SF with 2 as well^^) but i feel more for the endless ongoing Story about the Tekken characters.
On a sidenote, i suck at both games xD
Tekken all the way man; I grew up on the series and it has always been there for me. I recently got into Street Fighter and although it is a good fighting game, it just doesn't compare to Tekken's story telling which makes it fall short.
Tekken[i]. Eh, I grew up with it.... well, I grew up with [i]Street Fighter as well, but it was easier to play Tekken when I was younger (BUTTON MASHIN') so that's probably why I prefer it...
Hmm... Tekken and SF... Both are games that are staple fighting games. Tekken is a button mashers dream. SF is a tourney fags dream. Both games are not that great, yet get their own crowd. Its still a fun game don't get me wrong but seriously, I can't give it to one or the other. Both suck in many sides, but both are fun to play at several points.