COOL STORY BRO (。ಠ†¿†¿à² 。)
Okay, that was kidding thanks for uploading UFO and UNL; especially you uploaded it fast and to MediaFire. Gonna give you uber BJ from it nacho.
BTW about this
nacho wrote...
If you want to link UNL to your SWR installation for reasons no one has figured out yet (It doesn't seem to affect profiles or unlockables of UNL.), direct the [th105path] section inside configex123.ini to your SWR installation.
I figured out that if you didn't link UNL to your SWR installation you'll only have 5 characters (Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Meiling and Cirno) available for playing. But after you link it, all cast from SWR will be available for playing too in UNL, but this linking doesn't affect profile and unlockables thing. That's what I found.
Cirno is teh STRONGEST, no joke