Klorofolun wrote...
Video games and movies will never, NEVER combine. There hasn't been a single good movie-based video game, with the possible exception of Spider Man 2. Similarly, there have been no (really) good movies based off of video games.
I can think of at least two other good movie-based games at the top of my head. X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Wanted: Weapons of fate. They're not perfect, but they are fun.
As for games into movies, there are a couple I liked but can't really say were good. Doom was entertaining, but the switch from demons to mutants really disappointed me and made me feel that it wasted a lot of potential to be a great movie. Conversely, I've never played a Silent Hill game in my life, which may be why I rather enjoyed the movie.
It seems to me that, while these movies are by no means the worst films ever made, people that have played the game before watching the movie may be disappointmented when they find out that the director has made some changes to the source material in order to get the plot to fit into an hour and a half movie. The only exceptions are Uwe Boll flicks, which really are that bad, no matter how you look at it.