I have all the mentioned skills lol; it's just that playing them on an emulator can be pretty frustrating . Do you know that you have to listen to the beat rather than following the screen (if on emulator) because the images don't catch up quick enough when the tempo quickens? It could be annoying ESPECIALLY when negative time happens. >_>
Now then, Dangan Ronpa review!
Whoever has a PSP and a fetish for Visual Novels should know this already, but this is one of the absolute best Visual Novels I've played this year.
Because I've just finished the game (and literally slept like, 5 hours per day just to get this done - my head hurts >_>), I literally don't have much words to describe my feelings other than, well, god DAMN this is good. Let's go by everything one by one, as usual.
Number one, the plot. The brief synopsis of the VN would be one: there are fifteen known high school students titled Super Duper Something that were trapped in this Kibo Academy. A weird-looking robobear then appears to tell them that if they want to leave this place, they'll have to KILL EVERYONE ELSE. Otherwise, they will NEVER GRADUATE and live within the Academy for the rest of their lives.
Even though the theme itself is kinda old already (I've played like what, Infinity series, 999 Hours, Secret Game series, read mangas like Judge etc, and they're all basically using the same setting... it's definitely an old theme for me now), the plot actually read pretty damn refreshing and nice, thanks to quite a number of bizarre elements that completely deviated from common sense.
Number one would be the Academy itself. First, you have freaking iron-sealed windows and exits that looked sturdy to take a couple of missile hits and more. Then you have freaking GATTLING GUNS just hanging around the corner like they're harmless little birds or something. Just by putting all these elements in, Dangan Ronpa has set itself up for one helluva ride, and it was up to whether the plot would disappoint or not.
And of course, it did not! Otherwise you would've seen me thrash talking it at the beginning *whistles*! Anyway story-wise this is beautiful. I can't really explain it, but things never really get stale, it never really gets boring, and it always manages to surprise with unexpected twists and turns that just keeps you GOING. Usually I'd be the first - being an obsessed reader and all - to sniff out how a plot's going to setup and unfold, but Dangan Ronpa has managed to outmaneuver my expectations in a surprisingly good way. While the ending and various unsolved mysteries (more on that later) can be a little underwhelming, it still did not fail its hype and managed to finish beautifully in the end.
Speaking of which, what is the final movie again? Apparently it's ??? when I check through the gallery, and I wonder if it's because I skipped through the ending video and so did not get it. If that's true then never mind, but if it's like a secret ending please let me know.
About the faults of the plot - though it's simply because the incident happen not to discuss about it, and so it is entirely acceptable - is that there are still a lot of mysteries in Kibou Academy that were unexplained. One would be the Malefaction something incident - just what exactly had happened that caused the entire world to screw up HUGE? While the End-of-the-World videos that Monokuma put up was certainly unreal (and possibly even fake or grossly exaggerated, but I can't tell without reading Zero first), it just... doesn't make sense. Even if we say the USA nuked Afganisthan, it still wouldn't affect the world to the level Monokuma had described. And to say it was all triggered by a simple mass murder in Kibou Academy? Not to say that it's not terrible, but heck, we have read newspapers where students murdered tens of classmates with a gun. Am I living a normal life? Yes I am, and I certainly don't give a damn about what's happening on the other side of the world.
I am aware that there are side stories that supplemented exactly the missing materials, but when Monokuma requested that Naegi solved ALL the mysteries, I thought they seriously meant EVERYTHING. Which they did not, meeeh. They didn't even say what the fuck happened in the old classroom where
everything was carnage and blood stains everywhere
Which brings to the many small but existing contradictions in the VN. Let's take Monokuma for example. The dude always seem to be able to appear out of nowhere, and since this is a logical VN it HAS to come from somewhere. Let's assume that this somewhere is a hole or something. Let's even assume that there are such tunnel networks throughout Kibou Academy, and with multiple units of Monokuma set it many locations it can appear at anywhere and almost anytime. This almost certainly has to be true, because Monokuma has dropped by Naegi's place a million times and definitely NOT THROUGH THE DOOR.
So here's the question: Why did our protagonists never considered Monokuma's secret tunnel network as a possibility for escape? Of course, the possibility that these 'holes' are just storage space and a complete dead end, but to not even consider the possibility of something else is just... weird. They NEVER did investigate where Monokuma appear, you know.
The above is but one example, and to go on would be the ramble thousands of words without point. So let's move on to the gameplay instead.
Now then, there are several different stages in the game that keep things interesting. The first one would be a 1st person POV navigation style gameplay. You literally just walk around and interact with objects and people, and well, you get the gist. 'Investigation' basically involves Naegi running around and doing the above to solve mysteries. While the navigation is certainly basic, it is incredibly responsive would never fail to find an important object with a helpful button that reveals exactly what you need to interact. This is very good design, and something 999 Hours failed at (horribly), as I can't even begin to tell you how painful it is during 999 Hours where I failed to interact with certain objects in certain orders and things just doesn't goddamn progress at all. With a walkthrough, too.
But that's off topic. Next would be the Class Trial. There are several stages such as the prepare stage (equip skills and setup last minute review of information), Non-Stop Debate (you use evidences and testimonies you've collected called 'Ammunition' and shoot them at yellow highlighted texts called 'Weak Points'), Epiphany Diagram (Basically it's a word guessing game, though it can get surprisingly hard when you're staring down a fucking timer and cannot think), Choices (there's actually 2 different varieties, but basically it's make-a-choice lol), Machine Gun Talk Battle (a rhythm hitting game that's the most challenging part out of all), and finally Climax er, something (fill into the missing sequences of events with various images).
For anyone who has played the VN, there is no question: THIS is where Dangan Ronpa shines the brightest and made the game an absolute beast. Just play it out yourself and you'll know what I mean. You have to experience this, as words just won't suffice.
Sure, sometimes it's a freaking pain in the ass trying to get the Non-Stop Debate right (because the Ammunition you're using is sometimes pretty vague, and that the fact that you can convert people's Weakpoints into Ammunitions to target other Weakpoints make things quite confusing). Sometimes I feel like screaming into the monitor because I KNEW what happened, but couldn't quite find the right combination to get things moving. It can get frustrating too since the game just goes step by step in painstakingly slow fashion because it's trying to address to younger audiences as well. Pretty damn sure everyone felt Byakuya's pain at some point, "These IDIOTS."
While I feel like I didn't give the gameplay enough elaboration, it's going to be yet another thousands of words so let's just stop. Now, to the music! If it wasn't on a PSP I'm sure they could make it better, but I guess I'll just have to stick with the lower quality OSTs. They do suit the atmosphere wonderfully.
About the system. Polished, and while not without some faults, was pretty easy and comprehensive to use. By far the biggest SIN of the game was the need to unlock CGs/videos with Monokuma coins (sorry but like, FUCK man, FUCK THIS ACHIEVEMENT BULLSHIT) because there's literally no replay value to the game (you're just solving the same fucking mysteries after all), because that is the nature of a mystery: once you solved it it is GONE along with its potential of interest. Even if I just want to like, reread the story, it's still a pain in the ass to go through that many steps for it. Thank god this isn't a common occurance in VNs or the despair might just push me over. *wink wink*
In conclusion, a 9 out of 10. Speaking of which, Dangan Ronpa 2 looks to be equally as interesting, and I'll definitely get it when the NA version comes out. After all.
It's PUNISHMENT TIME! (Does that make sense to you? Oh and I JUST LOVE IT WHEN KIRIGIRI GOT SQ - *burns inner demon into dust*)