Zandorf wrote...
Probably because of Rise. lol
Okay, so I saw the critique request on Jerry's thread and decided to give my review to you, note that I stopped after reading chapter 2, I have pretty much scrolled through what others told you and it seemed that they said mostly about the pros of your story, so I shall focus on the cons.
Kuro, your story's turn of events progressing feels like a replica of Madoka up to some extent, with the 100 meter rule, my thought on that can only solidify, but I'm not going to go any further on that one. The story feels bland with all the lack of emphasis, bad grammar (it should be "people" not "persons" in the prologue), overuse of ellipses, almost obvious things happening (that usually takes place in animes), and to top it all off, in the prologue; you changed from 1st person writing format to 3rd person, that's not how it works, stay consistent, and keep going with what you want to use for the story of the story. The base idea is simple and nice. In fact, it'd work well for an RP, lol.
On a side note, may I know why you write "God" in capital letters?
Since I'm the guy of the feeling of plot, let's get back to the part about your story feeling bland; to emphasize more on it, the grammar turns me off. It's not like bad grammar can ruins it, but the very structure made from the particularly n00b-ish way of writing is what makes the story reek of bland nature. There are inconsistencies in the story too, which is a really bad thing, some things don't make sense due to them sometimes, for which there's a loss of points from me for the story. Maybe some readers don't realizes them and just keeps on reading, and sometimes the writers, too, makes this mistake. I believe I saw the first one around the first chapter, but I forgot where it is... but yeah, you'll have to make sure that everything is in proper line with what you wrote on the other chapters (obviously).
The part about the protagonist having 300 IQ is nonsense to me... face it, have you ever heard of this IRL, ever? Even animes syncs with the real-life up to some extent, you know? Think about it, you're making the character too special, there are people I know who actually are pretty smart and intelligent but their IQ tests says otherwise, while it's not really important, or it being high doesn't really matter, there's no need to
make it high either, just say something like 150 or something, I bet real scientists have similar IQ rating. Be more realistic, God dying sounds so very weird to me, especially on a story which screams there were only and only omnipotent God instead of many like in the Greek mythology, someone like that dying is just too strange. But I don't know what you plan to write in the later chapters to explain it later on, so good luck in making the story flow properly.
Making the main character perfect can be a major blow to the foundation of a story, ever heard of "Gary Stus," they are apparently the most hated characters in the world of literature, because they're so perfect and invincible. While your character seems to be someone who'll get beaten to the trash at some time. It is evident that he'll eventually be victorious in most of his important battles, while the prediction is true or not, you can't let your readers guess most of the things that will happen in the story. Or else all the excitement will soon evaporate, gotta keep them surprised, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, this is just my opinion, so don't get offended now; I'm not saying all this to spite on you or make your tale sound like like it's fully juvenile, just don't give up and keep improving. I'd recommend you to read more, other stories in this forum or some novels, books, etc. Keep a keen eye on the use of the words, see how the authors do it. And last of all, while you read, make sure to see how you're feeling while you're reading the story, if it's good; you know that the author is did a job at it, at least up to the part of the story you read. See how the others does it, learn from them, that is my advice.
Good luck.