The rain was unrelenting to the point that it was impossible for anyone to wan to go out of the house. Valkyrie had called home saying where she was and she was alright, though Nikolai was a bit worried, as for the present company. But I could assure him till the cows came home that nothing would happen. It does not change the fact, that his daughter is staying under the same roof as the one guy who is madly in love with her. If I was him I would worry to. But Valkyrie was staying in Sephora's room with her, and I locked my door to keep any unwanted visits, though I would no object to it, I still have a shred of decency and moral fiber left in my body, just enough to keep my primal needs and urges in check.
Two white doves are flying off into the distance landing on a tree by a nest. Inside the nest is little baby birds. Crying out for food and comfort from their mother and father. In the tree are other animals, a falcon who watches over the inhabitants of the tree. A chipmunk who stores food for the winter. A robin who nurtures and cares for the young baby birds whilst the mother and father are away, and a owl who is wise and consults with the inhabitants of the tree.
This tree like many in the forest is an ancient oak, it's inhabitants have lived in it for generations past. Helping and protecting one another. A life of love and harmony, the tree gives it's branches strong and sturdy for the creatures to live, it's leaves, to shade and keep them safe. In return the animals do no harm upon the tree.
Again and again I have this dream, it's meaning lost to me, though somehow I feel that it is connected to me somehow. How I do not know but I feel great deep connections to this dream and my life. The great Cosmic powers of the universe work in mysterious ways, they are trying to tell me something but what I do not know.
But I was up early, the clock on my desk telling me it was a quarter after five, when I heard some bumbling around outside. Sephora would sill be asleep, maybe Vladimir was up but the noise was from up here. When I opened my door, I saw who was making the commotion. “Your up rather early.”
“Not really I'm up around now to begin with every day,” Valkyrie said surprised. “Why are you up?”
“Can't sleep late myself,” I yawned as I scratched my head. “Come on I'll fix us some coffee.”
Down stairs in the kitchen I put to mugs down on the table, and took the coffee pot from the warmer. Then in the fridge I dug out a carton of cream. I poured two cups of coffee, and put some cream into my own, mixing it in.
“Did you really mean what you said?” Valkyrie asked as she blew the steam from her mug. “About a day trip, just the two of us?”
“I've the money to cover it,” I said. “The rains died down so I would say it would be safe to take you home now. If you want to go we still have a good hour and a half before the rain leaves the station. That would be more than enough time to change into something more comfortable for a day trip, wouldn't you say?”
“I agree,” Valkyrie said as she took a sip of coffee. “I would like to go.”
We finished our coffee, and I wrote down a note, for Sephora and Vladimir. I went up stairs, and put on a pair of khaki Short's a plain white T-Shirt and a short sleeve button up shirt over it. Nothing to fancy, just something very casual, for a day out of town.
When we got back to Valkyrie's home, Nikolai up and about, something I didn't expect. He thanked me for keeping Valkyrie safe, and kind of turned gray when he heard of our plans for the day. He pulled me aside as Valkyrie went to change.
“Nathan I trust you,” Nikolai said as he put hand on my shoulder. “Please keep Valkyrie safe.”
“I will do all that I can to keep her in one piece,” I said as I patted his hand. “You have my word. I will go through the seven layers of hell if has what it would take.”
“Nathan,” Nikolai said, as he sat down a mug of coffee. “I find it hard to think of you as a bad person. I want to think of you as my son. Anytime you need anything, just ask.”
“Nikolai,” I said trying to think of something to say. “If I ever need anything, I will let you know.”
A Few short minutes later, Valkyrie came back down stairs, my breath taken away, she was wearing another long flowing sun dress like the yellow one but this one, was white. If I was not in the present company of her father I would have swept her up into my arms and kissed her.
“You look beautiful,” I said feeling my cheeks flush. It was almost as if we were getting ready to go to prom. “Shall we go?”
“Do be careful,” Nikolai said as he walked over and hugged Valkyrie. “I trust you both to say safe.”
“I will make I my personal duty to keep her safe,” I said to Nikolai as I put my hand on his shoulder.
“I know you will,” Nikolai said. “Now go.”
After our goodbye, we were finally on our way tot he train station, he rain as leaving in thirty minutes, it would take 15 to get to the station and another five to get boarding passes. Once at the train station, people were out and about bustling along, people commuting to the bigger cities for their daily work, I was able to get two tickets for the Shore Line Express Commuter, and we were able to board with five minutes to spare.
The Shore Line Express, is a simple yet dependable bullet train, that reaches speeds of 100 miles an hour, it's total running trip is an hour and half 150 miles towards the Cape, where another train will take people to the City that is 20 more miles up the shore. A smooth ride, and a quick get away for anyone waning get out of the area for a day.
“Going to the shore?” A man dressed in a black suit, asked as we sat down opposite him.
“How did you guess?” I laughed being friendly, if this trip is going to be an hour and a half I'd rather it be warm and open tan cold and awkwardly quiet.
“Not to many people get on the Shore Line Express, dressed in a pair of tennis shoes, and shorts when they head to work in the city. I'm guessing high school spending a day at the shore?”
“You would be right,” I said as I put my hand on top of Valkyrie's.
“Ah to be young,” the man sighed. “I remember when I as your age, me and my wife did he same thing, we were so reckless back then. Didn't say a word we just took our money, hopped on a train, and went to the shore. The cps were all over the place looking for us, and when we got back, we got scolded, but we didn't care. We had our fun.”
Our conversation kept up through out the whole train trip nothing becoming too personal just casual idle chat. About this and that, how school is going for us, et cetera. But as the train started to slow, our conversation stared to end as we got ready to depart the train.
The cape, is probably one of the most scenic areas within 200 miles of town. I only remember coming here one time when I was younger and saying with my uncle. There was an old shack on the edge of the beach were we got ice cream, and Seagulls flying all over the place, the light house on the cape. I was a peaceful fun day.
“I can't believe this place,” Valkyrie said as we stepped out of the train station into the little town. “It's so quaint, and for a beach town not very crowded.”
“It's s small town, no one really comes here to begin with,” I said as I walked over putting my arm around her waist. “It's just a junction, stop for trains mostly. The town grew to accommodate people who traveled by train but as trains became less used for travel, the town stayed the same and very few visitors ever really stop and stay.”
“Then how do you know about this place?” Valkyrie asked as we waked along main street.
“I've been here before,” I explained. “When I as younger, and when I had to wait for a train just a few months ago. But that is beside the point come on.” I puled Valkyrie over down a side street as the smell of the Salt from the Sea became stronger. We finally made I t he beach, there were a few people laying out in the sun, a few walking along, and over in the distance, on the tip of the cape was an old iron light house. As we walked closer I stopped to take my shoes off and carried them in my hand. With Valkyrie following suit, we headed barefoot onto the sandy shore line.
The sun shined down as we walked along, the sand wedging itself between our toes, the cool water of the ocean, lapping at our feet. Every now and then someone making a sandcastle, or walking along with a metal detector. Bits of broken shells littered the waters edge, but here and there a few actually looked like they were in tact. I stopped and bent down to examine one such shell. A miracle of nature, something so beautiful crafted by the cosmic forces of the universe. An Apple Murex, all most alabaster in it's color, it was a beautiful example of a shell, though I know that these are normally inhabited by a hermit crab this one looks as if the owner had recently left it. Looking for a larger home.
“Here is a present for you from the ocean,” I said as I held the shell up, for Valkyrie to see. “It's perfect, just as you are to me.”
The glistening look in her eyes just made what I said seem all the more perfect as she spoke the word that I will never forget. “I'm not perfect, but I do hope you will accept me for who I am and my flaws.”
I just wanted to grab her and swing her up into my arms and never let her go, as I held her hand in mine I looked her straight in the eyes. “Valkyrie, you see flaws, I see what makes you special. No one is perfect, I am lucky just to stand at your side. If the stars above could tell our story. We would be dancing through the cosmos, for all eternity.” With that I leaned in and kissed her lightly on her lips, the taste of her lip balm was sweet and lasting on my lips as we parted. The moment would have seemed to last in time forever if a little kid hadn't been near.
“EEEEEEW!” a little boy that looked about the age of 10 or 11 exclaimed. “That's gross.”
“Johnathan!” A woman whom I presumed to be the boys mother scalded. “Don't say things like that.”
“She's right,” I said as I bent down onto one knee to get on eye level with the boy. “You don't look to be much more than 5-6 years younger than me, give or take a few. One day you will find a girl you like yourself and you won't think that it's gross.” I noticed cats paw shell on the ground beside me with a creamy beige color, I picked it up, and dusted the sand off of it, and hen handed it to the boy. “Keep this as a reminder of what I said.”
The boy ran off back towards where his mother stood, a smile on her face, and a friendly nod, to me. I just smiled and nodded back as we started back along the shore, thinking that one day I may have a son, and wonder if he would be the same way. But I kept that to myself, I love Valkyrie and I feel as if I could spend the rest of my life with her, but we are moving along at a well good enough speed, and there is no reason rush it. I've seen what can happen, when things move to fast. I don't want that to happen to us.
“You are really good with kids,” Valkyrie said as we walked along.
“It comes from being an only child wanting a little brother or sister,” I said as the surf crashed lightly at our feet, while the light house came ever closer, daunting us still.
“I think you would be a great father,” Valkyrie said as she sopped and turned to look a me.
“And I'm sure you would make a great mother,” I said in return as I sung my arms around her, and pulled her up into my arms spinning slightly as the ocean breeze fluttered over us.
We walked up to where the lighthouse stood, a massive tower standing a daunting 160 feet in the air. A small complex of building's stood next to it. A sign posted a the gate said that the lighthouse and ground are open to the public from 8am to 6pm. As we walked along the manicured lawns of the complex the tower loomed tall and menacing in the foreground. As we walked over to it, a young man in a navy blue polo shirt held us at the entrance. The occupancy capacity would not let us go up until someone came down. As we waited I checked my camera, the batteries still charged, and plenty of memory on the memory card.
We were allowed to go up when a family that seemed to be on vacation came down. A quick smile and what seemed to be a sigh of relief from the father, made me feel some sympathy, as I could see it now. The kids wanted to go to the top and half way up copped out, wanting to be carried.
Just from the bottom of it looking up the 207 step spiral staircase was intimidating enough, but that would no dampen our spirits, as we began to climb. Half way up my legs started to protest, as I slowed my pace as to keep from loosing Valkyrie. We finally made I, up after a good fifteen minutes climbing our legs sore, but once we found ourselves on the balcony, in the sun shine of mid day. A light breeze, in combination of the view that was placed made everything worth wile. The town loomed like a small picturesque village down the shore, off in the distance, a schooner, was drifting past, near an island, that had a mansion built on it.
I snapped a few pictures of the landscape, and f the own, before I found someone willing to get a picture of me and Valkyrie. A few more snapped and we sat and gazed out into the horizon fr a few minutes before heading back down. The trip down took only five minutes and as a lot easier, its funny how going down is so much easier than up.
But back down the beach and towards town, we went in search of food, which we found at a little sack on the beach called the Curious Clam. A sign noting that it's the best seafood in the area, could be reputed, as being the only Seafood restaurant in the area. Fishnets hung from the celling and an assortment of nautical tools lined the walls as some random jimmy buffet song was playing on the jukebox. We were lucky and go a table on the beach as to watch the surf crashing on the beach. A basket of hush puppies and our drink orders arrived as we looked over the menu.
“Can I get you any appetizers?” The waitress asked, as she reached for a pen.
I looked down at the menu and then looked back. “What is the current market price on oysters?”
“The Current Market Price is a dozen for $14.74,” the waitress said without missing a beat.
“I'll take one one and a half dozen,” I said and if you don't mind were ready to order as well.”
“Go right ahead,” the waitress said.
“I'll have the Orange Ruffy, With a baked potato and coleslaw,” Valkyrie said as she handed the waitress her menu.
“And I'll have the same but with Fries,” I said handing my own. As the waitress walked off, with our orders in hand I turned and watched Valkyrie look out a the ocean. I felt so endeared to her at this moment, when she turned back and looked at me.
“Oysters?” She asked, as looked at me.
“You've never had them?” I asked almost laughing. “It's an acquired taste some say but I just find them to be delectable. Add a little hot sauce, oh boy I can hardly wait.” Just as I said that a large bowl shaped plate was set in the middle of the table. Piled with ice and dotted with Oysters on the Half Shell. I picked up a bottle of hot sauce and then an Oyster. “Through the lips and over the gums, look out stomach here is comes.” With that little incantation I pressed the shell to my lips and slurped down the oyster and in all it's slimy goodness.
“That is just so gross,” Valkyrie cringed as she say me eat another.
“Try one,” I laughed. “I bet you'll like it.”
“I'm only doing it for you,” Valkyrie said as she picked one up and watched what I did.
“Take it, and press it to your lips then just slurp it down like so,” I said as I slurped another one down.
It is fun to watch Valkyrie squirm some times, she just seems so squeamish it's adorable. I took another and with a loud slurp it was already traveling to my stomach. Then if I didn't see it I wouldn't have believed it, he slurped it down then paused for a second, but then she surprised me and went for another. Within a matter of minutes they were gone.
“I can't believe you ate 8 of them,” I said as put my glass down on the table.
“I don't either,” Valkyrie said taking a sip of lemonade. “They were better than they looked.”
“You do know that some people claim hat they are an aphrodisiac right?” I asked jokingly.
“I've heard that,” she said leaning against the table. “But I'm sure I can resist any urge to jump on top of you.”
The way she kept a serious face when she said that I couldn't tell if she was being serious or joking with me. “It's scary, I can't tell if that was a joke or you being serious.”
“I can't either,” Valkyrie said with a sly grin, that just made me want to grab her and kiss her.
We talked and laughed until our food came and then we talked and laughed some more. I don't know why but it is always easy to speak my mind around Valkyrie, no worries of her getting offended too greatly by what I say, or do. We ate and then we sat for a few minutes, before heading back into the town, to the little shops lining the streets.
Inside the Bazaar as you could call it merchants selling anything from fresh produce, to jewelry lined the stalls. One particular shop caught my interest. A goldsmith, had set up shop in the bazaar selling his hand crafted jewelry. One piece in particular to be exact, a small golden Ankh on a black leather necklace.
“You have a fine taste,” the man said as he looked up to see me admiring the Ankh,
“I've always been fascinated with Ancient Egypt,” I admitted.
“There is a counterpart to the necklace,” the man said as he pulled a small ring from a display case. “I can fix the ring within a matter of minutes to fit any size finger, and I'll sell you the set for 50 bucks.”
“That's a good price,” I mused. “Seeing as these do look hand crafted, and all. But one quick question, what purity of gold do you use?”
“Ah a smart guy I see,” The gold smith said. “Everything I do is in 18 karat gold, I can go higher purity for a special order but basically I try to stick with 18 karat.”
I held the necklace in my hand and then looked over at Valkyrie who as admiring it as well. Then the ring. “Alright deal,” I held out the ring to the man and hen took the necklace and tied it around Valkyrie's neck. “For you, my dear.”
“And the ring?” The man asked holding it
“Right ring finger,” I said as he took out a string of ring sizing keys, and put it on my right ring finger.
“A size 12, I see,” the man said as he took he ring and hen began to work the band of it smaller. “I find it easier to make a ring's band a size 15 then work it down as need be.” He worked for a good 30 minutes molding the band back into a circle, careful to not damage the intricacy of he Ankh, before handing me the ring to try it on.
The ring was a perfect fit, not too loose but not too snug either. I handed him the money and hanked him as we walked along.
“Thank you,” Valkyrie said kissing me on the cheek. “I've never felt so special in my entire life as I have today.”
“That is because you are special,” I said as we looked through a stand full of second hand books. “And that is all that matters. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“I, I don't know what to say,” Valkyrie said a tear streaming down her cheek.
“Don't say anything,” I said as I cupped her face in my hand as I wiped away the tear, and kissed her. “Don't say anything.”
We walked and shopped finding little nicknack's here and there. A photo booth and our picture, a quick snack at a little food stand and back to the Train station as the commuters started to arrive for the rip back.
Along the trip back the same man who sat across from us, on the way in as sitting there. We talked a little, until Valkyrie fell asleep with her head resting on my shoulder and I couldn't bring myself to wake her or disturb her until we got back to the station. We walked all the way home with out saying a word, a kiss goodbye, and a quick stroll back home, memories, and tokens of the day in tow.