From what I've seen being on the street level would be suicide, so travel had become restricted to hoping the roofs. I see a nearby building, a church it looks like of it. With a single bound, I leap from one rooftop and crash through the stained glass portrait of St. Micheal and land with a roll onto my feet.
I blink. There's no one here, at least alive anyway. But that assumption is quickly disproved when the deceased rise and lunge at me.
(Cue BGM: Sybreed- Ego Bypass Generator
This needs to be taken care of quickly. I grab one of Exodus and switch it on. With a spin and a swing of the arm, the lightsaber's silver blade separates the surrounding undead's torsos from their waist. I dash forward as they fall, stabbing another zombie through it's neck, then swing to my right, beheading another three that lunge at me.
I flip forward to keep my ground and a group of ten from the looks chase me to a wall. Once I get close enough, I run up then backflip off the wall and throw the lightsaber, slicing up the group as it flies back to me with a boomerang motion.
'This was a waste of time...' I say to myself with a sigh and deactivate my lightsaber and place it on my belt.
I exit the church the same way I enter, but I barely have time to react before I'm suddenly slammed to the ground by a blow to my chest. I find myself lying face down near a dumpster in an alley and a series of
BOOMs approach me. I can see a shape come into a view; an ape-like creature that was once human.

Behind it are more zombies. I struggle to breathe, much less stand and draw my lightsabers, their silver and viridian blades illuminating the dark alley.
"Come on..." I manage to the horde, just as their huge leader roars its reply