Planetside RP
To preface, I was unaware that there was a game with the same name, so lose all preconceptions that this is similar.
Rules and gameplay
A turn is classified as a 24 hour period or whenever all players have posted, whichever comes first. You may post more than once per turn but you cannot exceed three posts per turn (barring special circumstances such as direct dialog). If you do not post within a turn it is assumed that your character is off maintaining their livelihood. Failure to post within 4 turns (at most if turns occur in less than 24 hours) it is assumed that your character has died and I will create the circumstances (unless you have preferred circumstances and you pm me the details prior to my posting if your death).
Realism is implied. The laws of physics are constant and to enhance immersion into the story suspensions of the laws of physics, general rules of biology and abilities of individuals won't be permitted and I will pm any player who does so to modify or delete their post.
Player walk-ons
Player walk-ons are permitted within reasonable limits. Anyone wishing to walk-on during the rp pm me and I will typically allow it.
Player deaths
In the event of a player death (things happen, characters die) see walk-on rules to rejoin the game.
Use of technology
Technology has advanced to astronomical levels, however see realism. If you can't come up with how something would work it cannot be introduced.
Character profiles
Follow the standard model for my character and NPCs posted.
Genetic modification has yielded 6 species of human, each cannot reproduce outside of their species, so yes, they are actually different species.
Playable species
Unaltered human, unremarkable yet balanced and more resilient (with the exception of Sigma-Humans) to physical ailments and (with the exception of Beta-Humans) to mental conditions.
Genetically modified to be significantly more intelligent than any other human species. More prone to physical ailments than any other species of human. Resourceful, quick-witted and dexterous they typically make up the scientific portion of society.
Genetically modified to be very efficient in bodily functions capable of surviving much longer with less food and water. Created to be the pioneers of the new space-faring days they make up the typical colonist. Mostly unremarkable, however due to their system being so efficient they are slow to heal.
Designed to be the typical laborer, they are strong and very team-oriented. Delta-Humans are hardy but inefficient in their bodily functions requiring more sustenance than most other human species.
Tailored to security and military functions Sigma-Humans are incredibly spacially aware and posses superior eyesight and motor-control. Their bodies heal at incredible rates and can even regenerate lost limbs, spinal injuries, and can even regenerate organs. High levels of endocrine modification make them prone to emotional extremes and have implanted chemical micro-factories to stabilize them.
Engineers and mathematicians by nature Epsilon-Humans are typically cold, logical and emotionally mute. Second only to Beta-Humans in intellect these humans can typically engineer anything that is presented before them.
Characters have affiliations within the following corporate or government agencies.
Gordon Aerospace
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Aerospace
Volchenkov Medical
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Cybernetics
Huang Biomed
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Genetic Engineering
Trans-World Logistics
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Logistics
Colonial Solutions
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Xeno-agriculture
Bullseye Industrial
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Construction/fabrication
Hubble Communication Solutions
Type: Corporate
Subtype: Communications
UN Col-Sec
Type: Government
Subcategory: Military
UN Colonial Administration
Type: Government
Subtype: Administrative
UN Col-Sci
Type: Government
Subtype: Scientific
NPCs and GM character
Name: John Boyd
Gender: Male
Affiliation: UN Col-Sec
Rank: Captain
Species: Sigma-Human
Appearance: 6' 10" (208 cm), Athletic build, eye color: green, hair color: grey, hair length: short 2" maximum length, skin coloration: caucasian, attire: UN-Sec standard adaptive camouflage fatigues
Age: 47 Solar years (still relatively young considering the 150+ life expectancy)
Personality: Uncensored, abrasive, decisive and ultimately concerned with ensuring the safety of those around him
Weapon/tool: M2447 UV Laser Assault Weapon* with prog-knife bayonet
Personal History: A veteran of the Unification War on MV-19225 (UN designation, known as Progress to the inhabitants) he wears his scars with pride. As a member of UN-Sec he earned the distinction as a superior officer and a superior soldier.
M2447 A9 UV Assault Weapon
The standard armament for UN Col-Sec soldiers is the M2447 A5 IR Laser assault weapon which uses a cascading photon effect to disrupt molecular bonds and cause the contacting surface to instantly convert to plasma. Colonial Security has however created several later models including the A9 UV. Operating at ultraviolet frequencies the M2447 A9 UV is far more accurate, reliable and causes a more localized plasma reaction through the use if a secondary firing, containing a neutrino tight-beam at a harmonized frequency to the primary UV beam. The weapon is extremely valuable for it's nano-fusion cell capable of providing 4 seconds of continuous firing with a 6 second recharge delay.
Col-Sec Prog Bayonet
The standard beyonet for Col-Sec soldiers is a 7" hypersonic vibration progressive knife which, when activated, causes the leading edge (only 1 atom's width) to vibrate and fall into gaps between molecules wedging them nearly apart. Dangerous for non-Sigma-Humans because of frequent accidents caused by the vibration. (If a Sigma-Human loses a finger or 2 they will be regenerated by night's end providing enough proteins, vitamins and minerals are ingested.)
Jeffrey Goldstein
Gender: Male
Affiliation: UN Colonial Administration/UN-Sec
Rank: Colonel (retired)
Species: Epsilon-Human
Appearance: 6', average in shape build, eye color: brown, hair color: salt-and-pepper black/grey, hair length: shoulder (pony-tail), skin coloration: tan caucasian, attire: business, grey shirt, black tie, black slacks, polished combat boots.
Age: 116 solar years
Personality: Formal, authoritative, professional and dignified
Weapon/tool: Arael Technologies micro-fabrication universal tool
Personal History: A veteran of several small-scale inter-colonial wars as an engineering officer Goldstein was selected to be the foreman for the construction of the new colony (which has yet to be named). Known for his focus and dedication to the task at hand he earned several titles. Wanting to retire from UN Colonial Administration he begrudgingly accepted the job to secure residence in the new colony and full pension. He was once married to another Epsilon-Human however she died giving birth to his son who cited within the year due to complications from the birth.
Number 6 (she chose it because it "sounded interesting")
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Stow Away
Rank: None
Species: Beta-Human
Appearance: 4'5", thin and wiry build, eye color: Genetically chameleon (changes with automatic nervous signals, hair: bright red, hair length: just beyond the shoulder, skin coloration: light (she doesn't get much sun), attire: grease smeared, plasma burned, worn overalls and sneakers
Age: 12
Personality: Eccentric, overly-energetic, somewhat obnoxious, arrogant, loud, overly-curious, childish
Weapon/tool: custom nano-fabrication universal tool
Personal History: The result of a few "visionary" (if that's the word) Beta-Human scientists to engineer a smarter Beta-Human (the results were promising, until she got bored and escaped, then hid away on the UNSV Piatkowski.