Alright. I've read most of your series, and I have to say...BRAVO!!
I loved all of it. i've read chapters 1, and 2, and 16-22. My two favorite chapters were the ones w/ Lopunny, and the one w/ Gardevoir. Thanks. This has been a great replacement "The Lusty Adventures of Anna" (also a poképorn series. Its about a lopunny in a world where pokemon have human qualities who goes to a lesbian yuri school). And btw, i just got done reading Chap.24, it was also great. It was sad when she ended the journey w/ Ash and Brock in an instint. After whiping my hands clean and continueing on reading, I shed a tear for the end to this series. We HAVE TO BE FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE! THE SERIES WAS SO GREAT!!! Well....I guess the last thing to do is say goodbye, and thanks.. ;-;! Thank you.