Higashide Irodori isn't the only one who deserves a book.
Kerorin, Kokuryuugan, Momoyama Hato, Namae Renraku,
Namboku, Ouchikaeru, and Survival Knife (just to name a
few) have all done brilliant work---some of the best stuff
on Fakku---that's still unavailable in book form. It's very
On page 37, a lengthy time-skip occurs. At the bottom of
the page, we see a new employee behind the front desk,
so Chiika (who looks taller and more mature on page 38)
apparently became the chief matron of the inn, after her
aunt died or retired.
If Chiika were proud of her breasts, she'd wear a proper bra,
but she's self-conscious about them, so she probably wears
an ill-fitting sports bra because all she wants to do is keep
her boobs strapped down, instead of showing them off.
The emphasis is on Chiika's big breasts, because she's
self-conscious about them. Like her freckles, they're an
indication of her Western/Caucasian blood.
Chiika's aunt is depicted as a realistic-looking
older woman, which is quite unusual in hentai
(a genre in which "middle-aged" MILFs rarely
look older than 25).
Hentai conventions aside, Chiika's sexual relationship with Tsugu
begins and develops in a fairly realistic way, which gives the story
much of its emotional power.
Chiika is adorable, 10/10 design. So happy they both get a happy ending!
Higashide Irodori's art style is incredible (38 pages!).
Shout out to Lemonade and Train my Maid.
Last Modified Mon Jun 14, 2021, 9:47 pm