Either we get a ending where Yukiko and Shirou leave the family together or we get max rage yandere Yukiko burning down the house with everyone in it.
As long as the art work and story are this damn good I'll keep reading no matter what!
I really, really hope this has a happy ending for everyone involved somehow... These characters deserve better, especially Yukiko. The MC seems to care about her too, and the sister doesn't seem evil herself (so far... who knows about future chapters).
I feel genuinely feel bad because Chiyoko does seem to care a lot for her sister. But then again I don’t condone what Yukiko did. Well knowing hentai it’s either about to get real screwed up, really wholesome, or we’re about to get both sisters “reconciling” with the lucky hubby. I usually like this artist’s stories so I can’t wait to see what happens.
Either we get a ending where Yukiko and Shirou leave the family together or we get max rage yandere Yukiko burning down the house with everyone in it.
As long as the art work and story are this damn good I'll keep reading no matter what!
Kairakuten Cover Girl's Episode 064: Tama-Bon
Chipped Glass - Prelude
Chipped Glass - Part 1
Last Modified Fri Jan 31, 2025, 11:10 pm