Once again (as in the previous chapter) we see some sort
of mysterious mind control at work---but it's never explained,
or even explicitly pointed out. Very intriguing.
Once again I’m intrigued the story so far hasn’t revealed if the MC has mind control powers or if he lives in alternative reality with no common sense. I’m enjoying the story so far so I can’t wait for part three!
This is quite possibly the sort of subject some would have dreamed to be featured in "The Twilight Zone", back in the day, but the moral climate of that time would have declared war if such a thing ever aired on national broadcast media (T.V. or other).
And it seems we're still not in sight of an explanation as to how or why this is happening. Well, for those who really want to know, There Can Be Only One way to find out ... namely, Tune In Next Time; same H-site, same H-story.
Suddenly, the girl giving the BJ moved to the left from the right. At the end, suddenly all of the girls gone poof except the one he's having sex with. Man, this is somehow bothering me...
of mysterious mind control at work---but it's never explained,
or even explicitly pointed out. Very intriguing.
Last Modified Mon May 31, 2021, 12:21 pm