I really enjoyed this release, art was incredible as well, but was there an error? Im pretty sure this is a shindou release though puuzaki puuna did do fan art of it on their pixiv
While the story premises have been done before, only guy in a school of girls, or mind controlled into hate fucking, the art and sex scenes are among the best I've seen on this site.
I can only hope it gets better as the series continue.
This is basically the same premise as Bullied Hypnosis, mixed in with the whole girls-school-turned-coed conceit. The art is polished and features an adequate number of angles on the action.
The setup is pretty barebones and is pretty much just an excuse for a guy to get hate-fucked by hot girls.
Compared to other titles from Puuzaki Puuna, this felt kind of rushed. The entire school hating Hiroto also seems a bit much. I did like that the hypnosis doesn't work exactly the way he wants it to.
If another chapter comes out, I might change my mind about this one. Otherwise, I recommend getting anything else under this author's name.
Last Modified Wed Sep 14, 2022, 4:13 pm