Takashi vanilla? hmmmmmmmm this feels so conflicting. I don't know what to feel about this.... Also what about the rapist group? the guy is not going to do anything? I mean they even have evidence of rape! Just lock them away!
Well, there's a love-dovey sex afterwards.... but still... tbh fakku tags are put by the editors, i think it would be better if was something that the users decided, but oh well...
I see where you are coming from @ChrisBRosado123, but I disagree. I think part of my confusion at least though, is what exactly is being tagged, the story or the sex act? If Fakku is just tagging sex, then I completely agree. But I would argue that rape is essential to this story. Remove the rape aspect and it is a completely different story, which to me, makes it the point/focus of this story.
I agree, that the aftermath of the story isn't as relevant, the story isnt about what happened to the perps.
Wait what? This chapter was very clearly not rape. Yes, it did happen, but 95% of it is really about the two moving on with their lives. She's a little odd in that she's not traumatized by what should have been a traumatizing experience, but that's kind of not the point. They could sit there and feel crushed about what those scumbags did or they could focus on themselves instead. That said, yeah I'd hope they all went to prison but again kinda not the point of the story.
Ye nah this is hella stupid. Like why put the rape thing even in the story if you not gonna really talk about it or include it in the storyline for them to delevope? It was hella unnecessary atp
Soooo what we're seeing here is sex without closure? If it where not for the lack of censorship i'd be wondering if the mc had a pair of balls at all, the girl you presumably love has just been raped as a man you have only two choice call the police on the dirt bags or send them to hell. Not go cry about it, kinda pathetic when the victim has to comfort the protagonist.
All the usual dark stuff Takashi-sensei puts out leaves the reader to imagine a horrible ending. The characters are stuck facing a sad, cruel reality without even a silver lining. Knowing Takashi, this could have easily turned into another one of those. But not today. Do you see the happy faces? Do you see that bright "blue" sky in the last panel? That is a happy fucking ending. And I appreciate it.
Probably nothing you can do about this but Maaka's hands are fucked up on page 14 (1st panel). Her thumbs are on the wrong side! Maybe Takashi-sensei was in a rush...
Man, people need to chill. I quite like the fact that the boy was there for her after what went down. I mean yeah sometimes rape happens. I wish it didn't, but what's a person to do when it does happen? It's pretty odd that she doesn't seem shaken but ... good for her, I think. It sucks if one terrible event leaves a person broken.
Oh sorry @carrie_, I thought where they showed on page 1 of them raping her would count. My bad.
It is a story that has rape in it, it seems almost entral to the plot. I think people would agree you couldn't just cut out those bits and have the same story.
This is pretty consistant with Fakku not wanting to call out rape when it happens though, so I agree with you there.
Yeah? There's no rape on screen. Stories in which someone has been raped off-screen do not call for the "forced" tag and never have. The sex and relationship portrayed are vanilla.
...Hmm, I find it a bit hard to enjoy the Vanilla fully with such a...uh, depressing opening to this release. Vanilla is still always nice, but I have to say I was kind of hoping to see him...I dunno, beat those rapist assholes up, or at least get angry or...something. A bit disappointed he didn't, but at least they still love each other despite what happened which is great. If they both don't care about what happened and just want to focus on each other, why not. ...That being said, that bottle on page 1 seems just perfect for breaking over some heads, and possibly shanking with when it breaks.
Once in a while, we might get the scene in print where (in the words of the T-800): "IT'S PAYBACK TIME!" for the rapist(s). This is NOT one of those times. Life Must Go On.
Not really a big vanilla fan but I agree. It's hard to have emotional torque unless you have challenges to go with the happy bits. So much vanilla just lacks real feeling...
I still can't put into words how I feel about this...and so far I have enjoyed every single release from Takashi Sensei to date, but this one just makes me conflicted.
Also what about the rapist group? the guy is not going to do anything? I mean they even have evidence of rape! Just lock them away!
Last Modified Mon Sep 11, 2017, 3:31 pm
I agree, that the aftermath of the story isn't as relevant, the story isnt about what happened to the perps.
Last Modified Tue Sep 12, 2017, 9:30 am