Not running defense for continuing past “No. Stop. Etc.” But in Japan there’s weirdly a lot of girls who will symbolically protest to “spice things up” apparently. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum though, as they’re likely influenced by porn like this. It’s a bit of an unhealthy-non-consensual uruboros for sure. (And not sure if it is true just seen a few articles and videos attesting to it.)
And also, not to hang the same drum but it is porn, bear in mind.
I get that it's porn, but this I feel like it should either be straight up deserving a "forced" tag or be more of a "they talk things through about how she has this fantasy she wants to play out with him"; being in this weird middle ground of ignoring consent feels almost dishonest, especially for something marked as "vanilla".
Huh. Surprisingly valid concerns from the FMC in this. Stepping out of hentai logic for a minute, being heard by neighbors is going to be at best awkward, and at worst have real social consequences. Especially for a woman, sadly.
It worked out in the end, and it is just porn, but the BF should really be listening here if he wants to keep her. Everyday concerns always outweigh immediate passion when it comes to relationship stability.
Goals to shoot for, honestly. And also interesting to see some adults going though their first time. Like, with the amount of HS hentai it gets a little intimidating, right? Like, “damn, these high schoolers are getting mad pussy and I’m still over here with my dick in my hands.” I know it’s fictional but still. It’s intimidating. This kind of chapter is good every so often because it makes me think: “you can do it. It’s totally possible.”
Last Modified Thu Nov 28, 2024, 11:04 am