Not to mention, this is a woman who spreads her legs open with someone she didn't see for 10 years and is virtually a stranger! Where can I find women like that?!
A premonition, huh. Yes...A premonition of some sweet Vanilla, I'd say.
Well, as a kid he may not have had a crush on her and kissed her partly because he felt bad, but now that he's grown up...Heh, I suppose she wasn't exactly wrong when she said he'd regret not doing it, just like they discuss.
Because considering he did, and partly due to that kiss she became so faithful as to wait 10 years for him, I'm sure he certainly isn't regretting his current position.
10 years is a long time, but I'd say it made for a lovely reunion and at least they can be happy together now.
Last Modified Sat Jan 13, 2018, 11:18 am