I know this is 40 pages and all but I wish we gotten more of them having sex lol.
(10/10 vanilla breastfeeding handjob and 10/10 passionate as hell vanilla sex!)
Haru deserved a 100 page color chapter!
It kinda makes me sad this story will be ending soon. So well written an the art was great. A story like this dosn't come along to often. We watched them fall in love over 4 chapters It breaks my !! HART !! Please have a !! HART !! mr. writer keep this one going. With a sad hart !! YEA HENTAI !! I'm out.
Haru is so delicious looking. This dude better stay correct in making her his, and vice versa. Her not-so-secret admirer would make me nervous, but this is a Tsukako.
Tsukako’s art is 10/10 as usual, and Haru is a premium cutie, but… I’ve about had it with this MC.
It’s annoying to see a guy be so weak-willed and selfish with a literally perfect girl bending over backwards for him.
This story gets better an better every chapter I read. Now this is what a !! VANILLA !! should look like. For me this is the beat vanilla I've read so far. This is the reason I love hentai, !! YEA HENTAI !! I'm out.
(10/10 vanilla breastfeeding handjob and 10/10 passionate as hell vanilla sex!)
Haru deserved a 100 page color chapter!
Haru is the covergirl for Comic Kairakuten BEAST 2023-04.
Living With an Elf Bride
Living With an Elf Bride - Part 2 ~Our First Outing~
Living With an Elf Bride - Part 3 ~My Honey ❤ My Bunny~
Living With an Elf Bride - Part 4 ~Unexpected Creamy Milk Tea~
BEAST Cover Girl's Introduction 2022-11
BEAST Cover Girl's Introduction 2023-04
-Honestly Tsukako has struck vanilla elf housewife gold with Haru. I'm hoping we get something more after the finale.
Last Modified Sat Apr 22, 2023, 11:43 am