Emotional abuse, manipulation, borderline rape, multiple assaults, and a case bordering on Stockholm syndrome. Dull, unimaginative, and honestly pathetic.
Why do you even care about this when reading hentai? It is so weird that you are already a fucking degenerate being here in the first place, while still pretend to be of higher taste.
Go read any of homunculus' stuff. Then tell me that. You're just mad that people don't like some of this trash because it's like a festering wound and it makes you question yourself.
I usually enjoy Mogg's work, and I'm admittedly a fan of over-the-top forced stuff, but this one veers into some very real abusive behaviors in a flippant and permissive manner. The guy is the definition of a sexual abuser, using excessive physical force in response to literally every emotional situation, but the final page is a ha-ha happy funny big dumb goofball conclusion. It's kind of disturbing.
It went from really great imagery, especially with the drawing of her face and then it devolved into laziness. The positions, the proportions; he just got bigger and she got smaller and nothing was ever the same size from one panel to the next! Ball dropped, opportunity missed...
Last Modified Thu May 18, 2023, 4:58 pm
Last Modified Mon Nov 20, 2023, 1:18 am
Last Modified Mon Mar 18, 2024, 8:51 pm