This man lasted 24 pages before making any kind of move on Misuzu and it still ends with no actual sex. Good things come those who wait and when they do fuck I bet it's going to bring the building down lol.
Respect to this man for being a "honorable man of culture" with a will of iron for not wanting to just use her for her body.
But honestly, if a beauty like Misuzu was looking at you the way she does on Page 20, no one could blame or judge you anymore!
Damn she's pretty!!
Once in a while, I'm pleased to see an MC display (like the song says): "... more discipline than a Shaolin Monk"; even if it's a foregone conclusion that said discipline won't hold out forever.
Welp, I applaud him for trying to do the right thing. I think I would try to pry into her past before making any sort of a move (letting her go her merry way, making love to her, etc.). She could be a diamond discovered under a rock or she could be a stick of dynamite with a lit fuse.
finally, FINALLY, after 4 ~ 5 years of waiting, this series is finally released!!! Just sit and wait for the rest of the chapters, this is one of the best series.
I love her hat! For a runaway, Misuzu is remarkably well-dressed.
Her duffel bag even contains some fancy lingerie (as well as an
assortment of sex toys, which is interesting).
Is she actually a prostitute? Maybe her family gave her the boot
because they caught her working as a (well-paid) JK girl.
Yeah, the first thing that popped up in my mind was that she was/is a sex worker of some sort - a regular prostitute, JK girl, or maybe even a porn actress.
I've been a dedicated hentai fan for a long time, and I never
cease to be amazed by the quality of the artwork (which is
infinitely better than the crude, sloppy, amateurish crap we
see in mainstream American comics).
I read some decent adult Western comics but they were just about always in fantasy themes. But yeah, the vast majority of the "slice of life" stuff is all-around garbage. Most of them are on the level that I could have written and drawn when I was in 9th grade.
Miyabi-sensei was firing on all cylinders with this one. And it's a multi-part story, too. Well, guess we'll have to see next chapter if and how MC's preternatural self-restraint finally snaps, and what might transpire out of that.
Respect to this man for being a "honorable man of culture" with a will of iron for not wanting to just use her for her body.
But honestly, if a beauty like Misuzu was looking at you the way she does on Page 20, no one could blame or judge you anymore!
Damn she's pretty!!
This series demands a happy vanilla ending!
Last Modified Fri Dec 31, 2021, 7:38 pm
I don't think we've seen anything quite like it.
Last Modified Fri Dec 31, 2021, 9:57 pm