Seriously though Fakku, why the hell doesn’t this website have a “mind control” / “hypnosis” tag!?
I have a collection that has 26 series in it (there’re actually way more chapters than that, as I only really add one chapter of each series) and there are loads more doujins here that should have such tags. I’ve found a couple other collections on Google with very simple search, which should amount to a pretty nice number of series around with such theme. Also, I’m very sure there’re lots more hiding on older releases around here, I just can’t find them quick enough because I’m no reading machine - yet -, so please, oh please add the fucking tag already!!!!!
You know what, I agree with both those tag suggestions. I'm not that into aggressive mind control and the fucking tag would be redundant as the non-h tag already exists, but the more tags the merrier here.
this guy isn't just the clown, he's the whole circus
where this stupid, incomprehensible idea of "sharing" comes from I will never understand, fucksake
Kobayashi is a piece of work, saying he would have given his acquaintance some action if he stayed and then called him a coward when he left. Of course he left, you gump. He thinks everything you're doing is legit, and one of his slaves wasn't exactly impressed with him the split second it looked like he was going to get some.
I have a collection that has 26 series in it (there’re actually way more chapters than that, as I only really add one chapter of each series) and there are loads more doujins here that should have such tags. I’ve found a couple other collections on Google with very simple search, which should amount to a pretty nice number of series around with such theme. Also, I’m very sure there’re lots more hiding on older releases around here, I just can’t find them quick enough because I’m no reading machine - yet -, so please, oh please add the fucking tag already!!!!!