For the most part (IMO): "What We've Got Here Is Failure To Communicate." And curiously enough, it's more on the part of Yori who seemed hesitant to reveal her true intentions or feelings. On the other hand, Sakota seemed more ready to do so, because, as he himself said, he does feel something for Yori, which might be more than a physical urge.
In conclusion, "I Don't Usually Ask For A Sequel But ..." ..... I'd welcome a sequel to this one!
Now this is a protagonist that filled a leading role. I needed this after reading through the grad level script writing with in High Rise Liason that artist Hisaki Yo is great but who ever was handling that script rushed it. And the comic is raw because of storylines are not fully fleshed out and holds back it's commitment to immersion. It's worth the gander for a case study on what not to do with storyboarding. Good erotica needs to be cultivated not rushed glad to see this story lands on the cultivated spectrum side of things.
hmm.. Is this what you'd call borderline vanilla? And wow I feel like Tsugumi Suzuma just evolved. This one looks even more beautiful than his/her previous work released here
In conclusion, "I Don't Usually Ask For A Sequel But ..." ..... I'd welcome a sequel to this one!
Last Modified Sat Jan 16, 2021, 4:03 am