FBI: "So let we get this straight! This adult male (journalist) had sex with a high schooler and video taped it?
*calls wife* "Yeah! I'll be home early today!" (..)φ
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." - Napoleon Hill, author of "Think And Grow Rich".
Er, ... I wouldn't immediately say that Mr. Hill had THIS scenario is mind when he came up with that statement, but by the end, Shindou-san seemed to get himself not only a rather willing sexfriend (may or may not have some sort of Relationship Upgrade in the future), but also a way of entry into the *koff-koff* "adult entertainment media broadcast" market, while Kaname-san has a relatively safe outlet for her established kink ("exhibitionism"), as well as a cooperative partner for said activities.
Some might say: "Only In The H-Universe!" ..... nonetheless, it's "APPROVED!"
A valuable life lesson.