I know that I'm SUPER LATE to this party, but I have to say it! When I saw that he ran away from CUTE GLASSES GIRL CONFESSION!, it immediately made me think of how disappointed GHoE would be. I hang around Fakku! too much (but is there ever too much?!).
I think I need to clear thins up a bit: Chair is my lover and we both dominate our sub Table. Everybody is fine with this arrangement. But I am glad you care for Chair and try to save her from being hurt...
Well she clearly wasn't that in love with him back then if she just moved on that easily and went on to screw who knows how many people.
I know that's probably more realistic, but I read Vanilla for mostly fluffy love stories, not to imagine who the main girl has screwed while she's doing the main guy (especially when she herself insinuates her promiscuity).
You like the fairy tale. I can't knock that. Me, I like seeing that... between people who lived. She had a chance meeting with the boy who-- didn't even take the hook, let alone get away. She jumped at it. That to me has some romance to it.
I get where you're coming from, for sure. Nagayori's best in that vein isn't on Fakku yet, and I leave the title here for you to research as you see fit. Remnants of Summer is the title I've most often seen credited to it, and IMHO it is God-tier.
To paraphrase the line from the 70's song (actually 1969 if a web search is accurate): "This is the Dawning of the Age of GENDER EQUALITY." ... get used to it.
Welp, alcohol can be quite the wingman sometimes. I mean, yeah, you were late for work, but priorities, man.
Hmm...But running away from such a cute girl's confession, eh? Things might have been different if he had just accepted back then...
That ending though. Man, if you're a Hentai Protagonist, you can't be saying stuff like 'can't get it back up'! You just...do it.
DAYUM! ... Chiyo doesn't mind giving Sakuma a second (*cough-cough*) "bite of the apple". Gentlemen (and Ladies), BEHOLD ... GRADE "A" Wife Material (Don't screw it up, Sakuma-kun).
Table did nothing wrong.
CHAIR: I thought... we had something, Hand...