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What happened to Yushi?
So are you suggesting to make a thread for dumping the latest anime PVs? For what purpose?
EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
You remember there's something special about the Taiga-Dojo?



F/HA translated into all major languages EXCEPT ENGLISH.




F/HA translation went downhill the moment it got to TLWiki as an open project. Expect another year until a proper full patch got released.
Vera wrote...
Deftera wrote...
Forum Image:

Oh man, I've seen that image before. Do you happen to know the YouTube link for that? xD

Forum Image:

Thank you very much for the links and pics. Made me wanna find out more about breeds in various countries. Another rep tomorrow for your troubles.
greyflash wrote...
im not the smartest person here but

1st of all wtf do you mean by asian way of raising kids?

by asian you mean japanese only?
srzly gfto i mean C'mon on man i got a friend who is from Pakistan and he is muslim
and you telling me thats not part of asia? that his way of raising kids isn't asian?
i mean people in the in the mid east all the way up to you know where | Siberia and etc.
can and should be calling themselves asians.

this thread should be moved to IB
simply cuz its ignoring all the others true | Asians |
who arn't chinese or japanese =.=

Welcome to the modern world
where asian means more than japanese
or in this case chinese -.-
or in this case caucasian
or in your case stpid.

srry for the offensive word
i ment to say something double-postive-good

but really i don't get why everyone thinks that to be asian ya
have to be japanese or chinese.

lol wat no one even talked about japanese in the first place
this thread should be moved to IB

No u. People are having an intelligent discussion here and you're the only one who posted something out of context. Being a Japanese or Pakistani or shit doesn't matter, we're talking about something else.
You didn't really read the article, did you?
I'm using the term "Chinese mother" loosely. I know some Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents who qualify too. Conversely, I know some mothers of Chinese heritage, almost always born in the West, who are not Chinese mothers, by choice or otherwise. I'm also using the term "Western parents" loosely. Western parents come in all varieties.

Now, some people here should not forget that strictness =/= discipline. It's crucial to teach your children about obligations, responsibility, and the importance of academic achievements from early age. But that doesn't mean you have to limit their freedom to interact with their environment and learn new things from it. When they learned something negative like the F word it is the parents' duty to straighten them out and explain why that kind of word is inappropriate to use in public.

This is where I see Western parents are failing at. When their children got bad grades or developed negative attitudes they always blame outside influence like TV or friends or video games. Children are naive and stupid, and they will absorb anything like a sponge, both good and bad things. This is when parents should act as a filter by spending some of their time for them and teach them personally, something a lot of Western parents nowadays don't do.

Asian parents see this and they don't want to make the same mistake. They raise their kids with iron hand from the start, and keep them in a golden cage. Sure, they excel at academic/sport/music, they're well behaved, but whether they could put all the cognitive skills they've learned into practice in society is another story. In the end they made a fatal mistake by not teaching their children the most important thing: real life experience.

My point is, Western parents are being too loose, while Eastern parents are being too strict. Western kids tend to end up more open-minded and sociable although they may be lacking in ethics and knowledge, while Eastern kids are the opposite.
Please note that this doesn't apply to all Western and Asian, I'm just talking about stereotypes, and some of these things I wrote is based on opinion.
Bump, I seriously want to know. I know this is the wrong forum to ask, I've been searching in other places as well, and I figured some of you have other interests beside fapping to hentai and I hope pets are one of them.

wow you're right.
[size=4]inb4 ban[/h]

I've been looking in my books but no avail. I'm guessing from the fur pattern on his face it's an Alaskan Malamute puppy but the guy's fur is too long for a Malamute. My second guess is a mixed breed of a Husky and a Samoyed. Clues and especially pictures will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
GameON wrote...

Forum Image:

Forum Image:

Seriously, my old Dual Core desktop with onboard graphic card can play this and yours should too.
> K-On
> Hetalia

Seriously, Japanese otakus. Get a life.
Second because of tits.
LOL what the fuck. That article stinks with Chinese arrogance. Nice work, WSJ editor.
I'm Chinese and I can say that article represents the worst type of Asian parents stereotype that came from Ming dynasty. My whole family is very strict and they demand me to be successful since I'm the only son who still carry our family name, but they still treat me like a human. What's written in there is just some sort of a black campaign to advertize Amy Chua's book, lol.
Here are some things my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do:
†¢ attend a sleepover
†¢ have a playdate
†¢ be in a school play
†¢ complain about not being in a school play
†¢ watch TV or play computer games
†¢ choose their own extracurricular activities
†¢ get any grade less than an A
†¢ not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama
†¢ play any instrument other than the piano or violin
†¢ not play the piano or violin.

Are they also not allowed to have friends? This is ridiculous in so many levels, if this is really true then her kids will grow up without any interacting skills and end up as social outcasts, or worse, they will grow up to be stuck-up yellow bitches who think they're better than all 'Westerners' in the world just because they got straight A's in math.
I actually know someone who got the same treatment back in high school. He was on top of the class for sure, but he didn't have any friend. Didn't know how to talk with girls, didn't know any games, not funny at all and the worst part is he was a smart ass douche. Well in the end he got a nice job in a pharmacy corporation and his parents were happy as fuck. But what they will never know is while their genius son is busting his ass working like a donkey in a research lab, I'm playing billiard with his manager who is my friend and a drop out.
You can't live with IQ alone, social skills, friends, and connections are more important to improve your career. That's how life works.

Chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that their child can get them. If their child doesn't get them, the Chinese parent assumes it's because the child didn't work hard enough. That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child.The Chinese parent believes that their child will be strong enough to take the shaming and to improve from it. (And when Chinese kids do excel, there is plenty of ego-inflating parental praise lavished in the privacy of the home.)

I can still accept this except for the shame part. Not every child has the same personality, some are more sensitive and introverted than the others. When you hurt a child's psyche there will be a chance he will break down and emotionally scarred for life, and nothing deals more damage than humiliating your child in public.
Plenty of ego-inflating parental praise? When he finally got praised for his performance he would only think of your praise as a mere reward, not a form of parental love. This is just wrong. There's a limit to everything and your son is not a Chinese superboy, so when he got a B+ on his math test just give him a break once in a while and be thankful that he is at least smarter than half of his class.

Second, Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything.... Anyway, the understanding is that Chinese children must spend their lives repaying their parents by obeying them and making them proud.

lol fucker. I love my parents and I swear when I've become a successful man I'm going to repay them for every kindness they've done to me, but they never forced me to think I'm indebted to them. I obey my parents because I've seen them as a good example of humans, because they're worthy of my obedience, not because I HAVE to obey them. Respect is earned, not given.
When you think your children must repay you for everything you've done to them, you've failed as a parent because you treat them as an investment assets.

Third, Chinese parents believe that they know what is best for their children and therefore override all of their children's own desires and preferences.

lol this is why there are only few world class Asian artists and designers compared to Western ones. Noo, you have to go to med school, become a doctor and make your parents proud, fuck art school you can't get money from drawing shit, who the fuck cares about your hobbies and dreams, because the entire purpose of your pathetic life is to get money, get Asian bitches, and make your parents proud. Some of my cousins are like this and when I asked them if they're happy with their life, it took a full 5 second pause until they answered "Mm maybe". Holy shit.

tl;dr, imo this article exaggerates the strict Chinese stereotype of raising children to rouse people's curiosity and promote Chua's book. If publicity is what they wanted, then they got it. But if this article really summarized what's written in the book then I can say this Amy Chua is a stupid, narrow-minded Asian mother and I'm curious how many years her daughters have left before they finally break down and commit suicide.
Lololol I fail at tagging images.
Monster Girl
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