User Posts

sakabato24 wrote...
Did someone say Slayer? I don't think we can be friends if you play Slayer in GG...

That's a pretty gay Robo-Ky combo, and Hikaru is scrub. Niga is the best Slayer player in Japan iirc?


Seriously bring back more guilty gears, fuck blazblue

They can't apparently, something about losing copyrights to SEGA or something.
If I may add a little.
If you still want to eat meat, reduce red meat consumption, replace with poultry or fish.
It's better to fill your stomach every 3-4 hours with light meals than eating twice in a day but in large portions.
Don't eat after 10 PM, at most eat an apple or banana, or drink a glass of juice.
Reduce carbohydrate intake. More protein and fiber.
Workouts are still necessary, you don't want to end up as skin and bones. Do two light sets of sit-ups or a 15 minute-walk every other day.
Don't stay up too late.
Why can't people understand, NTR is art!! of trolling and sex combined.
Nooo my internet died and I missed the show fuuuuck. I wanted to put my two cents, but I guess now it's too late.
Well it's not like things will get harder now without the warning, the moment the thread gets locked and its name changed people will blast their F5 buttons like mad anyway.

imo he wanted to give 10 min warnings in IRC to encourage people to use it for chatting and hanging around while waiting for the game therefore keeping the IRC alive, but if people just wanna log in to get the warning, said nothing, then leave the moment they saw it, then the warnings have lost their purpose. It's like the IRC is there just to give you wake up calls, soo yeah I won't be surprised if he got pissed and removed the warnings in IRC.
Ikaruga? AFAIK it's only in Gamecube and Dreamcast. Unfortunately I can't find a good DL link, perhaps others would.

Youtube vid:
HIM520 wrote...
Only realised this yesterday, but because a rule was not read. She should technically be free. I will let Waar decide.

So I claim Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia (more commonly called Asuna Kagurazaka) from Mahou Sensei Negima.


The rule not read is the new one rule #5. The one saying you cannot claim someone you have claimed before in previous games. Well Winter-Kun (Called "Winter55" in the past) Claimed Asuna in games 1 and 2. So by Rule #5 Winter-Kun's claim at the top of page 10 is not ligit. Meaning Asuna is free to be claimed.

Proof that Winter-Kun is Winter 55 and then proof that had claimed Asuna before along with link to games 1 and 2. Where the list for those games is in Waar's Opening post.

Forum Image:
Winter-Kun is Winter55
Forum Image:
List from previous game showing claim.

Game 1:
Game 2:

Whoa. Srs bznz indeed.
Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime.
Because I'm a devoted man.
Forum Image:
Hentanize wrote...
I'm going for Touka instead.

Tough choice i'm tellin ya =/.



Are you the second coming of Animeholic
Well shit, time to sober up and make a copypasta on the notepad.
Just got back from new years party, happy new year for you guys in the eastern part of the world. How much time left?
Congratulations and happy new year asa
Hanafuda from Okama?
I've seen a request like this before, hope you're looking for the same title.
Silverc wrote...
its the 31st we can claim another waifu woot

Need more MTSP doujins. NTR LOVE <3

And about uploads from the user PCollector, I see he uses bitshare to upload, is it banned? Since I saw he got -2 rep.

PSP emulators are still under development. They still can't play commercial games, only homebrew ones. If you're playing using ISO and it's not working try to upgrade your CFW. Other possibility is your ISO hasn't been fixed for CFW yet. Try to ask someone who's an expert of this, like Kaimax.
Is this real?

I already reported it yesterday. Maybe the mods are busy.
gurumao wrote...

Wanna cyber sometime?

PM me your msn
Kaimax wrote...
Other thing on why I think we shouldn't have one is, the male users will horde the female users like an oasis in the dessert.


but yea, there are more important things in the forums that need to be fixed, people can lie about their gender anyway, and why bother implementing that option if you can just ask them straight away via PM or chat.
Monster Girl
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