User Posts

Karma is a bitch.
lol nice necro
mazda1024 wrote...
Aw so the law will be effective in 2011 i read it in sunsaku... so has every any opinion of this? is there any possible that we cant download any kinds of anime or manga H or ordinary? in 2011?...... guys give me a hope..XD

Believe in the power of internet son. Your fellow pirates will get them for you.

also, sunsaku

Kaimax wrote...
In a positive way of thinking, We wil lget more anime/manga that is more well thought, more interesting and less ero-oriented

I hope you're right, kai. Let's just hope this ban will make the industry more creative.

Kaimax wrote...
Many have already complained that the latter part of that is growing too rapidly.

I'm one of those people complaining. Seriously, animes nowadays are all about moeblob shit and fanservice trash. When I see slice of life, I expected a light and heartwarming episode, but all I can see are kawaii girls doing something boring and/or ordinary while making a cute face. Oh hey, a dojikko tripped and fell! Her crying face is so moe~! And we also get a panty flash! She spilled the drink all over her clothes and got cream on her face, ecchi~
I bet if she's a 3D girl you'd call her an idiot for tripping over nothing, you dipshits.

The sad part is these kinds of anime sell the most. Why bother making a quality anime if you can draw some T&A and get insane profits from selling merchandise to fat greasy otakus? Tools.
yepperoni wrote...

Or do you think that would be too specific and not many people would post there?

You've just answered yourself. To create another board just for discussing a specific artist's works = narrow scope of discussions = only certain members are interested = few posts = waste of space and lack of moderation.

If you want to create an artist-specific threads you can post it in an already existing sections (spec anime, manga etc).
Harontiar wrote...
Unsigned wrote...

Shh... keep that on the DL man.the less people know the better.

This will help

imo things that will really help are your connection and copypasta speed. And a bit of luck.

..Hmm I forgot that many people are taking this game so seriously. Apologies to you campers [size=8](can't find a better word.. umm ninjas?)[/h].
Hentanize wrote...
Well if he claims Kotomi, then we'd have the best scenario possible. (To me at least)

Anyways, first round, I'll be going for:

-Misaka Mikoto
-Shizuku Sangou
-Bridget L. Satellizer

Fuck yea, me so confident in mah internetz speed.


Hentanize wrote...



Unsigned wrote...
somesome wrote...
So how many people are gunning for Rin right now? ;_;

Shh... keep that on the DL man. [size=9]the less people know the better.[/h]

lol y so srs. It's not that much of a secret anyway, you can see from looking a few pages back. *Fak_ku* got 2 of the most wanted girls so he got all the attention. I can imagine he puts on his trollface seeing ppl rage waiting to see who he gonna keep.
So how many people are gunning for Rin right now? ;_;
1. 12
2. Meh. My picture looks ugly in my driving license :/
3. Almost hit a huge ass truck. Twice. People never let me drive since then.
The end of the world is when lots of people overreact and panicked over something as unimportant as this.

Which is now. DAAMNN
Albel 'The Wicked' wrote...
One thing that went wrong with your idea,

Santa aint real


you better be joking nigga D:
asaforever wrote...

Is that a mad face? what did i do? >_>
Oh yea hey asa it's been long time lol
Less celebrating, more hentai uploads pls Congratulations for finally becoming an elder
Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Don't use that user pic btw.
I used to watch this on TLC. Love it except for the biggest burger in the world episode.
Anything by Hayao Miyazaki or Makoto Shinkai

For manga it would be Berserk.
Please don't tell me you're playing Continuum Shift. :/
Meh I kinda give up, my shitty internet speed + shitty PC combo is full of fail. Fuckers always letting me down at every game. Gotta find alternatives now ;_;
Looks like I'm gonna race with Hentanize again. Bummer.
Monster Girl
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