User Posts

sifian_ wrote...

I'm aware of the modest origins. I'm not going to make anymore commentary though, since this is getting fucking tedious and I'm not interested in feeding the trolls anymore.

why so serious

sifian_ wrote...
inb4 "There's nothing there to be trolling about so I don't know what you're talking about"

I believe no one here ever had any intention to troll. I also believe darykk knew very well that we were just fooling around, because he knows it's a fact that there's an anime. It was fine until you butt in and take all of this into a serious note feeling tedious and all by yourself. Good thing you decided not to comment anymore.

so OT, Arcueid >>>>>> Kohaku and Hisui combined. End of discussion.
Do you have/ know where to find/make /request simple gaming sigs like this?
Forum Image:

I'm looking for Ragna, Jin, and Slayer ones. Thank you in advance.

edit: oh also the rest of BB& GG casts if you can since I'm a greedy person.
darykk168 wrote...
somesome wrote...
darykk168 wrote...
Tsukihime:Lunar Legends
If this is not an anime I don't know what is..

Oh wow, the girl(?) in the pic looks like Arcueid. Who is he/she/it? Why does it has boobs when it looks like a guy? What kind of anime is this? And when will Tsukihime remake get finished? What took my Saber Lily figure so long? Too many mysteries!

LoL watch it and let me hear your comparisons...

How could I watch something that's not even exist? That blonde dude with purple skirt is all I can see. The rest is all lies.

darykk168 wrote...
Tsukihime:Lunar Legends
If this is not an anime I don't know what is..

Oh wow, the girl(?) in the pic looks like Arcueid. Who is he/she/it? Why does it has boobs when it looks like a guy? What kind of anime is this? And when will Tsukihime remake get finished? What took my Saber Lily figure so long? Too many mysteries!
hermitVI wrote...

PS: I can't even imagine everyone creating a single thread for each and every single episode of a series they’ve seen which may or may not even get a reply at all.

This has also been in my mind for quite some time. Kinda useless how people made a thread about a series' latest episode, a few people replied, then after a newer episode came out there's another person who made a thread about it, the old thread got neglected and buried. It's a nasty cycle and waste of space in the forums. Let's just made a single thread for every series' latest chapter/episode and make a list of them like Videogames/ VN/ other sections to make it more organized. If there's a user who has a question about a certain past episode/OVA/movie THEN they can make another thread in the specific ep discussion.
Seeing that there are answers and guide on all kinds of IQ tests scattered across bookstores and the internet nowadays, it is strange to still see IQ as a measurement of one's intelligence. A good IQ score maybe can tell that you're clever, but doesn't mean you're intelligent.

The professional world doesn't even bother checking IQ scores anymore. Job interviewers will only look at your GPA, your psychotest result, your attitude and answer from the interview since they don't need just a smart guy, but also a smart guy with enthusiasm to create innovations for the company. That's why EQ and SQ got more popular, because your value as a human is not determined by your test score.
Never liked CP, it pisses me off thinking of those girls losing their childhood times and getting trauma and stuff. Even in hentai, when i see an incest doujin featuring a 12 y.o it turns me off. Different story if it's loli which is adult with childlike figure.

And let's hope Japan's Democratic Party doesn't legalize the 'CP' bill. If that bill goes through in June then we have to say goodbye to our loli.
yo Kai, do you know the spec requirement for lovedeath 4? And..
Kaimax wrote...

It's about Chinatsu
Forum Image: that the girl from Hard Love Life?

btw haven't seen you in a long time lol.
Jacob wrote...

Turn the Specific Anime Series forum into Anime General Discussion
Turn Specific Manga Series into Manga General Discussion


I agree with gin, dividing general discussions into manga and anime will risks having duplicate threads in the two different sections. If you want to do that that means admins would have to work harder to maintain the forums.
i wanna see the videogame section again pls?
Gratz to sneakyone.
Fakku server is down. Please try tomorrow.
Insert nonsensical post here.
hurry up so i can lurk
Monster Girl
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