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damn, I can't lurk anymore. lol.
EDIT: on second thought, it's not that long.
Maxiart wrote...
A question to you, though. Would you hold by what you just said if one of those soldier killed all your family? Would you still say "Ah, I cant really hate them, they just happen to be soldiers instead of salesmen" ?

I guess I have to explain every sentence I said.

But only for defending the country.

If my family happens to be a part of a terrorist organization that threatens to bomb places and disturb peace in my country then heck, no need for soldiers, I'll take the gun against them myself- Hollywood action movie style pew pew

If there are other reasons/motives, then it's a crime.

But if suddenly soldiers break through my house, saying false accusations about my family and start shooting them without any decent proof, it's clear that there's something wrong going on here and that only make the shooting an indiscriminate murder -> it's a crime -> people doing crime are criminals -> people hate criminals -> I'm one of the people.

fatman wrote...

If anything, a person who kills anyone else because they're being paid to do so is pretty disgusting.

A lot of people are not as fortunate as you. No one likes to kill people in the first place, but they have little to no other options to keep on living. They're not disgusting, their environment is. And are you saying soldiers are disgusting too because they're paid and trained to kill people?

Soldiers don't have the luxury of deciding which orders are to defend the country and which are not. As a bit of devil advocacy on this topic, soldiers are trained to obey orders, since if they have to weigh which orders are moral or not, that would likely get them killed in the battlefield. They are trained to point, pull the trigger, and kill a target, not to differentiate which is a unarmed civilian and which isn't unless told specifically to do so.

You're missing my point. And a good army is always ordered to differentiate between enemy soldiers and civilians and to secure civilians to safety. Yes, lots of them died because of hugging a crying child strapped with C4 beneath his clothes. Not all soldiers are mindless killing machines.

Not to say I don't want soldiers who commit genocide (or even just a single murder of a civilian) to go scot-free, though. They do(usually) have to the option _not_ to join the military in the first place. As far as I'm concerned "just following orders" is a bullshit defense.

You can see dr_roxo's post about it.
gibbous wrote...
somesome wrote...
You can't hate soldiers for killing people, they're being paid for it.

Watch me.

Uhh sorry didn't get what you mean. And if you only quote that one sentence, it turns wrong obviously >_>
Blackraider78 wrote...

Sure, it's murder, but in that situation they are not left with much of a moral choice whatsoever, it becomes survival.

If you live in a fucked up country with a fucked up situation, morals don't matter.
It's all caused by the higher-ups, civilians and soldiers alike are just dragged into the mess. You can't hate soldiers for killing people, they're being paid for it. But only for defending the country. If there are other reasons/motives, then it's a crime.
Mostly mainstream.

Simple Plan
My Chemical Romance
Jason Mraz
Jamie Cullum
I draw an island on my pillow almost everyday.
Krystel wrote...
Unsigned wrote...
idk man... It'd be like having two ... nevermind.

Why? Having Two Penises is Bad?

Bad if you ask me O_o. Unless if you replace them with tentacles.
Just wanna point him out, bro. Not bashing him or anything. I'm cool with krys bro.
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
somesome wrote...
Repost, bro.

repost are allowed here, bro

Similar vids in the same week, bro.
jbx10afreedom wrote...
k, I'll just finish it by reading the manga then, too bad I was looking forward to watching Haru and Lucia battle it out just like their father's before them. Does anyone know what chapter I should start at? I'll go back later and see what I missed but right now I just wanna find out what happens after the last episode.

94 or 95 iirc
I'm afraid not. Since the manga has ended quite a long time ago and now they've started to animate Fairy Tail, I doubt they would even bother to continue Rave anime anymore. The anime stopped because of low popularity anyway so.. yeah.
1. Saber
2. Caffeine
3. Nicotine
Knowledge is gained from learning new things, experiencing it with your body, and storing the memory in your brain. I don't understand where did Aristotle get the theory about how children inherit their parents' knowledge. For example if the parents can speak Italian but they never talk to their child using Italian, how can the child "remember" Italian? If the child need to learn from everyday conversation, then every baby has the same ability and talent to "remember" any kind of language since you still have to teach your kid how to speak.
If it's temperament then yes it can be inherited. Since your temperament is also affected by hormones and bodily fluids which every composition is different from each person, and children inherit their parents' gene composition. That's why there's a saying "like father, like son".
Anime. 3D Ritsu fails. Just look at her drumming.. ( ゚д゚)
that pic is the literal translation of GAR... Gay for Archer.
Monster Girl
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