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No. Definitely not Indonesian.
Most likely Pinoy.

Who came first tho, them or Two Chinese Boys?
that, i lol'd.
chaosbreak wrote...
Kohaku's twitter on 2010's april fools. go check out the rest of the others as well.

The page doesn't exist ;_;
And no one believed me when I said fake :(
Noone like Bee Gees? ( ゚д゚)

I know some people think their voice was kinda gay, but I think it's pretty good.

New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle

Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
11 year old, suffocated by my pillows when sleeping. I even had some time to think "man if I really gonna die, this is gonna be the lamest death ever" while trying to take them off my face half-awake.
oh my bad
遠野志貴 Shiki
遠野 四季 SHIKI
sifian_ wrote...
So, I'm getting into the second branch now, and I'm kinda curious... are there two different Kanji spellings for Shiki? Or does the caps vs non-caps spelling have some kind of more subtle implication?

Shiki is the main character. SHIKI is the actual Tohno Shiki who zerked and left the house. Well, for more information play the Far Side of the Moon route, I don't want to spoil it.

ed: I wonder if I spoiled too much. Somehow I feel bad :/
He won't need his eyes if he uses a flamethrower then >_>
Somehow this thread changes to 'what weapon would you like to give to Shiki for ultimate hax'. I love you guys.
I thought Cloud already answered that.

edit: fuck you slow internet.
Shirou wouldn't dare cast Rho Aius more than once. He won't have enough mana. Even in UBW the mana you need to create a shield is 3 times larger.

Cloud Lionheart wrote...

it end in a draw even if UBW is placed...

Shirou: I am the bone of my sword....
Shiki: *dashes in* why don't you taste the bone of MY sword, fucker!
Shirou: wait i still gotta recite 8 more linesBLARGH

oh how I hate Shirou so much.
Jonoe wrote...

Forum Image:


Jonoe your congrats post is so girly, did you make it yourself?
...Shirou, you're fucked.
Cloud Lionheart wrote...

he can but where's the fun in that...

also that's the very reason why nanaya dose not have MEoDP in Melty Blood..

He officially can? O_o Since i've never seen a scene where he used his eyes from long range.
And Nanaya doesn't have the eyes is canon to the story. Basically its mechanism is like Ryougi Shiki, but he has less personality.

ed: Nero is also non-human, so no wonder the Nanaya blood kicked in. He couldn't control it to a level when he could activate it at will. He just couldn't go Nanaya on normal humans that's all.
Nanaya blood only reacts to nonhuman. Without it Shiki's just a highschool kid with anemia. He still got the eyes, but not the superhuman speed. Don't see examples from Melty Blood, which is a fighting game where a maid can pwn a vampire princess with a broom and molotov cocktails.
So it's gonna be tough getting close to Shirou if he could sword spam. Dunno if Nanaya mode will switch on if he sees Archer's arm. But if it's Fate/UBW Shirou.. pfft no contest.

Fallan wrote...

Can't he just throw a dart on the point or something?

Not sure about that. But if he could all he's gonna need is a sniper rifle and a camo suit, and wait in a bush for that stupid redhead to come out from his mansion.
Jonoe wrote...
Rin_Penelope wrote...
somesome (。ಠ†¿†¿à² ï½¡)

Forum Image:


( ╬ ಠ益ಠ)
edit: been looking for that pic, thx

Let's chill out and talk about this blasphemy instead
yeah321 wrote...

Btw imo Kohaku > All.


@darykk Naoto pretty much sums it all up. I guess Type-Moon staffs right now are busy milking Fate to the max trying to keep it alive and making more money for them (Fate/Extra lol). There's a lot of rumors regarding Tsukihime remake's process, like they gonna work on it after their other projects such as mahoyo, or they gonna release it on December 2010, which is Tsukihime's 10th anniversary.

In short,
Cloud Lionheart wrote...

isin't it sad sattchin...

edit: not mirai fukuin my bad
darykk168 wrote...
Naoto Shirogane wrote...
Shion Eltnam Atlasia for the WIN! And best of all she was never portrayed in a man faced way!

Ok ok we get it you hate the Fail XD. She is a bad ass and cool but still the originals are much to great.....wishing for a sachi route T_T

Don't worry we'll get our Sacchin route soon.... AMIRITE TYPE-MOON?
darykk168 wrote...

I so agree to this,but Kohaku> Hisui> Akiha more Thats my rating.

Poor Akiha doesn't get much love ;_;
It's also sad how she doesn't have a good ending in her story.

darykk168 wrote...
I so agree to this,but Kohaku> Hisui


darykk168 wrote...
Kohaku> Hisui

say wut
my Hisui is 12 times better than Kohaku

[size=4]let's hope yeah321 isn't here.[/h]
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