WideEyedMan wrote...
The pendant Slaine gave to Asseylum is probably a tracker or something, because there's no way he could've known they were at Tangeshima just by flying around. Which means Count Sabrosos made the right call in capturing Slaine.
Either that, or Slaine simply got information from the officer he abducted during his escape back then. I mean, Slaine knew Count Vlad (the one with beam saber) had fought "Orange" (Inaho) and would seek him for revenge. So Slaine could've tracked the last coordinate Count Vlad was on (before dead) from the officer and flew there in hope to find "Orange". When he got there, he might've heard/saw the battle in Tanegashima and tried his luck there. But that's only a speculation on my side.
Given that they left behind the red Kataks, don't think Inaho will gets a power-up mecha soon...
So, a little question now:
There're 37 Orbital Knights in the asteorids belt mentioned. 17 of them were descending on the initial assault after the assassination. So, are the remaining 20s also already descending after the emperor declared war against Earth? If they did, I say it'll be a good prospect for another Aldnoah titles aside of this one, focusing on battle against the other Orbital Knights in other countries (one can hope for it, hah).