Ryssen wrote...
KyoAni should get around and change the character design for their future projects. They look too similar to their past works.
It kinda bothered me that the exact animation and character designed used in K-ON! was used in this, not that I'm complaining, it was still a new moeblob anime from KyoAni that I can enjoy, it's part of their signature. I just got used to it after some episodes and grew to like it.
Anyway, I've been on a Tamako Market binge for the week in order to catch up to the series, still enjoying its characters and the stories revolving them. (Dera still kinda creeps me out, in a good way though...)
I'm hoping the prince that Dera holds in high regard ends up showing up soon in the series, Tamako is kind of oblivious to that bird's intentions. It would be interesting if a love triangle between Tamako, Mochizo and the Prince can happen.