Episode 11.
Yup. I'm done here.
That episode was god awful. Lets go down the list.
-Kirie. Basically flip flops her personality in 5 seconds. "Oh, you should let her go" to "Don't let her go! I'm an annoying Tsundere! Emotion!" Oh, and real nice to never mention Yuuko's sister worked at the school. No way that could have been handy in the prior 10 episodes...
-The massively cheesy resolution of the Shadow Yuuko thing. I was laughing it was so bad.
-For the third time, Yuuko is back.
-The contrived coincidence of Asa being Teechi's grandma, which was actually my breaking point.
-The obvious nature of episode 12. If I actually felt like sticking around for it, I'd mock it. It's just going to a typical "I'm moving on" deal. 5 bucks says she comes back in the end anyway.
So, I'm finished here. This show is badly cliche drama, and I curse myself for wasting my time with 11 episodes. The only good thing about this show was Okonogi.