Ed 1 -Vocal group ver- was really cool. Voice ensemble and bass is so friggin' awesome. Well... they add some some other stuff in the key change but it's still wonderful.
Ep7 threw me in a loop for a little.
I didn't think it was Nichijou for a minute but that was an impressively thought out dream sequence. I also completely forgot about the OP that they didn't show.
I was intrigued by the Adaptation so I looked at the Manga. It seems that KyoAni did a magnificent job at changing Nichijou a lot. It isn't mentioned clearly in the Anime but Nano is supposed to be in some school, nothing specific whereas she goes to the same High School as Yuuko and Mio in the manga. Maybe KyoAni implemented it later in the series.
Some of the jokes are changed a bit.
Can't say it's cool to change the original.