At first I thought PS&G was stupid because when I looked at it, I said "Oh, the art looks stupid so I won't watch it" in my head. After deciding to watch a few episodes, I learned that I had made a big mistake and noticed that this is an amazing anime!
I love the vulgar, explicit, suggestive, comedic, and parody elements in it! Out of all the ecchi anime I've seen (130+) this is one of the most suggestive ones out of them all (there are some that match up to it). On some sites this has a rating for 13+ but I'd say it'd be at least 17+ with all of the soft-core porn qualities it has.
PS&G made me laugh a lot and had entertained me quite a bit. The fanservice was great, the various drawing styles, English (Engrish), and 3D elements made it even better. The American influence on this anime was neat too.
On episode 10 the ending song "D City Rock - We Are Angels (Anarchy)" is awesome.
All in all, PS&G has become one of my few favorite anime (or it has joined the list of my near-favorite anime).
I can't wait until season 2!
P.S.-Who knew Brief would be so awesome. I lol'd when his "winky was a key". When Brief and Panty were doing it and they failed I was like "aww that must suck". At least she started to like him though. Go Gingers! XD
Also, what a surprising ending. Who knew their "mom" would appear out of the sky and Stocking was a demon. Go forth, Brief and Chuck! Lol.
Although I like both Panty and Stocking, if I had to choose which one I like more, I'd choose Stocking.